Monday, March 24, 2014
The Orioles are back!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
16 Doves in the Avocado Tree on a Rainy Day
Monday, March 3, 2014
Tomato Seedlings, Tomato Update 2014
I put the tomato plants on the window ledge during our rainstorm this past weekend. I have had them outdoors now for several weeks. My plan is to put them out in the raised beds sometime around the third week of March, if the weather permits. We have had hail storms in mid-March in past years so waiting until the end of March will be a wise choice.
My plants this year are as follows:
San Marzano
Southern Night
Ponderosa (also know as Henderson's Pink Ponderosa)
Gold Medal
Chocolate Stripes
Black Krim
Cherokee Purple
Big White Pink Stripe
Flame (also known as Hillbilly)
Dr. Wyche's
German Queen
Green Zebra
I still may put in Goliath if I can find a plant at the nursery. I didn't save seeds from last year and I really liked this one for canning.
Cherry Tomatoes:
SundropGold Nugget
Brown Cherry
Green Grape
Super Snow White
Bicolor Cherry
Poha (also known as Cape Gooseberry Physalia peruviana L.)
Steve Goto will be speaking at Green Thumb Nursery on March 8th and the 18th and I plan on attending his seminar. Hopefully they will have some San Marzano and Goliath plants for sell.