Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Update on Summer Garden 2015

Harvest today of onions, eggplants, zucchini, crookneck, patty pan, bell peppers and tomatoes

 It seems that I am always finding something to do besides keeping my blog up-to-date on this years summer garden.  This is our senior garden plot that we have now.  I only grow a few tomatoes here at the house and then of course I have my herb garden.  With the cutbacks we are required to do now with the serious drought situation here in California, one wonders if we will be able to garden at all.  We are only allowed to water twice a week for 5 minutes each.  I will be letting a lot of my plants die, sadly.  

Just pictures today.  No explanation needed for my vegetable garden friends will know what I have.  Not many tomatoes this year, again.  Let's just hope that they produce in this heat!