Thursday, June 23, 2011

2011 Tomato Update, Lots of Photos

I finally took a few pictures of my tomatoes to post to my blog, then forgot to load them! Most of these were taken a few weeks ago, but the last one I took yesterday. The San Marzano is loaded with tomatoes; I think I will be harvesting those very soon as they are showing a little color when I checked them this morning.

Bed 1 has Mr. Underwood's Pink Beefsteak Tomato (3 plants) and Wisconsin 55 Tomato (3 plants) all have small fruits.

Bed 2 has Ball's Beefsteak, San Marzano Plum, Cherokee Purple, and Persimmon; one of each plant.
Balls Beefsteak Tomato

Cherokee Purple Tomato

San Marzano Plum Tomato. This tomato is almost 5 inches long! The plant is loaded with fruit.
Bed 3 has Red Zebra Tomato, Zapotec Pink Tomato, Abraham Lincoln Tomato, and Isis Candy Tomato (a bi-color cherry). The Abraham Lincoln Tomato is a very lush, healthy looking plant.
Here is our first Red Zebra that I picked this morning. Visit my Herbal Cooking Blog to find out what I made with this beauty.

The next group of photos are planted along the driveway. These photos were take several weeks ago and the plants are much larger now. I am not sure which is which but I planted Dr.Wyche's Yellow, German Queen, and Green Zebra. The tags faded so I will need to wait until harvest!
Here we have a small red potato and in the background is an Old German Tomato, all growing under the Valencia Orange tree.
I picked a few Adirondack Purple and small Red Potatoes on Monday.
Adirondack Purple Potato under the Valencia tree.
White and Brown onions next to tomato plant
This is a Yellow Pear (cherry) tomato planted amongst the onions.
From the top of the hill looking down on the cages June 23, 2011


  1. So happy to see you back to blogging. Email me at about your question.

  2. Holy moly! That is a lot of tomatoes. I was just happy to get 12 planted! Good luck with all of that canning. I love your cages for them. Your garden is beautiful.

  3. You have an unusual way of growing tomatoes. It looks like they have great support. And your potatoes, if potatoes can be, are beautiful. A bountiful harvest you have.

  4. Well - I certainly have tomato envy! What an impressive crop you have! Here in the northwoods we have had a week of rain and plants will either float away or need fur coats...will be lucky to have anything by September and then we deal with frosts...sigh.

  5. taylorsoutback,
    I am laughing at your comment "either float away or need fur coats". That is how I felt in March when I put the tomatoes in and then we had several hail storms that month. I guess it made them stronger.
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

  6. Ann,
    Thank you! We are very proud of our tomato cages. They allow the plants to vine freely, which they love to do and I don't need to cut them to keep them on one stake. It works out great for all of us.

  7. Birds, Bees, Berries and Bloom,
    I do enjoy canning, but I also do a lot of freezing with the tomatoes. It takes less time and they taste just as good.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I sure hope to have time this weekend to stop by all of your blogs.

    Happy Gardening everyone!

  8. I'm so envious of your tomatoes! They're so much further ahead than ours. Our San Marzanos haven't even set any fruit yet. In fact our whole tomato garden is behind last year (which was a poor year for tomatoes). The plants look great, but fruit set this year so so slow with the erratic weather, and weird rain so late in the season. I so hope our weather improves soon. Your tomatoes give me hope ;) Love the tomato cages too, very creative, and we're hoping to harvest some of our potatoes very soon...can't wait!

  9. CFV,
    Thank you for stopping by! I think my tomatoes are actually behind a little too, for us.

    Hoping yours start coming in real soon.


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