Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Birth Announcement! We Have Seedlings!

These little guys actually sprouted a few days ago but I just got around to taking a picture today.  So far we have Rainbow Blend Cherry Tomato, Yellow Crookneck squash, Patty Pan squash, Zucchini (Cocozelle), German Queen tomato, San Marzano tomato, Green Zebra tomato, Cherokee Purple tomato and Dr. Wyche's tomato.  These are all seeds I had from last year and some for more than 2 years.  Also a few are from seeds that I saved from my tomato plants that I grew last year.  Everything looks promising so far. We are off to a good start. Tomorrow I will begin planting up the seeds from my recent orders.

If the day and night are such
that you greet them with joy
and life emits a fragrance like flowers
and sweet scented herbs,
that is your success.
all nature is your congratulations.

-Henry David Thoreau-


  1. Wow, Carla. You did good! I remember one year The Herbal Husband planted a whole packet of tomato seeds! We had 45 tomato plants that year. I think I'm still making sauce that I can no longer eat because of my GERD! Can you believe it? That is the biggest loss for me even bigger than chocolate. I'll be talking about it. Now pay attention to what you're doing. xxoo Nancy

  2. Hi Nancy, oh my that would just kill me to not be able to eat tomato sauce. I sure hope this will heal itself for you. Sending hugs your way and healing thoughts!

  3. There is nothing sweeter than seeing the first little sprouts...always a miracle.

    A lovely Thoreau quote!

  4. Taylorsoutback, I love that quote too. Thanks for stopping in it is good to see you!

  5. Congratulations. I hope that the little guys grow happy and healthy and become active, productive adults. They are so cute.


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla