Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Seed Catalog Order!!

I just love this time of year when all the seed catalogs arrive.  I spent last weekend visiting nurseries and browsing my seed catalogs.  I placed two orders, one from Botanical Interests and one from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

I ordered Southern Night, Chocolate Stripes, Gold Medal, Big White Pink Stripes, Henderson's Pink Ponderosa and Hillbilly tomatoes from Baker Creek, also a State Fair Mix Zinnia, Parisienne round Carrot and Orangeglo Watermelon.

From Botanical Interests I ordered, Organic Dill Heirloom seed, Round Black Spanish Heirloom Radish, French Breakfast Organic Heirloom Radish.  For tomatoes I ordered Black Krim Organic Heirloom, Cherokee Purple Organic Heirloom, and Green Zebra Organic.  I also ordered a Charentais Heirloom Melon, and Love in a Mist, Verbascum, Mexican Torch Sunflower flower seeds.
 I am still pondering on what to order or whether to order from Seeds from Italy. They are a bit more expensive. We'll see...
Carnival Bell Peppers, New Mexico Pepper, and Sweet Pepper Pimento and Tarragon cutting
 I spent yesterday potting up some seeds that I had and also some that I saved from last year. The Tarragon is from my plants.  I took a few cutting just in case I have problems in the next few months. I picked a bunch yesterday and have plans to make Tarragon Pesto today.
Back row: Jalapeno, yellow Crookneck Squash, Dr. Wyche's yellow tomato, San Marzano Tomato. Middle row: Patty Pan Squash, Cocozelle Squash, Cherokee Purple tomato, German Queen Tomato (rare).  Front row: Scallop White Bush squash, Rainbow Blend Cherry Tomato, Cherokee Purple Tomato, and Green Zebra Tomato.
I planted about 5 dozen spring onion sets and have all these that I will plant to replace those I pull.
Now we wait.....patiently.....

"Little January
Tapped at my door today.
And said, "Put on your winter wraps,
And come outdoors to play."
Little January
Is always full of fun;
Until the set of sun.
Little January
Will stay a month with me
And we will have such jolly times -
Just come along and see."

-  Winifred C. Marshall, January


  1. You go girl! Way ahead of us! I need to get a Seeds from Italy catalog. Haven't seen them for a while! Have fun! Snow is on the way for us! Nancy

  2. Nancy, I believe that Seeds from Italy is under a new ownership. I probably started my seeds a few weeks early, but the weather was so nice the last week I just couldn't wait!

  3. Wow. So soon? But of course I have to remember that you are in a milder climate. I love the little poem; almost makes me like January.

  4. I was just envisioning what I was going to do with my yard today! The weather is strange. It feels like March. You inspire me! I need to start amending my soil. :)

  5. Great post! I haven't seen a seed catalog in so long. You make seeds look as beautiful as your garden. You deserve the Green Thumb award!

  6. You are far ahead of me, I haven't even looked through the catalogs yet. In fact, I opened the fridge in the mudroom today and discovered an entire bag of tulip bulbs I had forgotten to plant in November. I hope it's not too late!

  7. Ann, I usually get my tomato plants planted in the garden in March. Last year they seemed small when I planted them so I thought I would get started a few weeks early this year.

  8. Betty, Thank you! I do love to plant as you know.

  9. Jeri, hope you get those bulbs in! Nothing brings spring to life like bulbs.

  10. Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy days to spend time at my blog. I love to have you visit!

  11. Carrie, I can't wait to see your garden this year.

  12. You start early! But spring maybe arrives earlier where you are living. I must wait a while before I put seeeds in the soil. /Sophia

  13. Sophia, yes for me spring will come in March. I generally plant my tomato plants then, but I wait until April for the peppers and summer squash. If we have some colder weather, I just cover the plants with plastic jugs.

  14. Oooohh! You're giving me spring fever.


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