Monday, February 13, 2012

Rainy Day and Vegetable Beds

I'm afraid this will be the only sun I can show you shining on my garden today.  The rains have finally come to Southern California; if the weather man is correct it sounds like we will have about three days worth. I took a quick walk to take a few photos of the beds and to cut a lot of the lettuces before the rain beats down so hard that they get muddy.  We are forecast for some hail and I don't want it to ruin the leaves of the kale and swiss chard, so I cut as much as I think we will need for the week.
Bed 1, Kale and Beets
Bed 2, Swiss Chard and lettuces
Bed 3, Snow peas.  Also in this bed is newly seeded Cilantro, Arugula, Radishes and more Onion Sets
Oak Leaf Lettuce. Ruby Red Swiss Chard to the right
Mache (or Corn Salad), Red Sails, Tango Lettuce Leaf and Spring Onions
more Red Sails, Tango, and cilantro popping up in back
this is a blend of Asian greens, includes Arugula, Chinese cabbage, Japanese Spinach, Mizuna (mustard) , mustard greens red and green, Ruby Streaks mustard, and Tatsoi Bok Choy.  A nice blend of mild an spicy salad greens that is also nice to add to soups.
Nero Toscana or Italian Lacinato Kale; also known as Dino Kale
Garlic and Bok Choy seedlings
Onions and more greens seedlings. 
Seedling progress. These will go in the garden in March. Peppers and tomatoes.
Tomato and Summer Squash seedlings
Swiss Chard, Kale, Arugula and Cilantro backups
Nasturtiums coming up on front bank and under grapefruit tree. I like to save a lot of the fresh seeds to pickle and use like capers. The flowers are wonderful in salads or stuffed with an herb goat cheese.   I am happy that they reseed freely!
Lavatera (tree mallow-malva) in the Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden along our driveway
The rain is raining all around,
It falls on field and tree,
It rains on the umbrellas here,
And on the ships at sea.

- Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1895).
Scottish essayist, novelist and poet.


  1. Rain or shine, Hot or cold...your garden always looks so pretty and healthy!

  2. Hope all that rain won't damage all those wonderful gardens

  3. Betty, good to see you!

    Doc, thanks for stopping by. So far no hail so that is a good thing.

  4. coming by here today so makes me wish for spring . I plain to have a flower bed this year .

  5. We've had no rain from California except for one hundreth of an inch in January in the Phoenix area. Sure would like a little more here. As always your garden look great. So many wonderful greens.

  6. L.Ambler, we didn't get as much rain as expected but at least I won't need to water for a week or so. Santa Ana winds coming in today and that will dry us out quickly. I am grateful for the rain we did get.

    Thank you for stopping by and I am glas you enjoyed the green photos!


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