Monday, June 4, 2012

Sunday Garden Hopping Adventure and Old Town San Diego

We headed out about 9:00 AM yesterday morning.  My only disappointment for this day was that I left my camera at home.  I had the battery charging and didn't have the camera next to my purse so I walked off without it. I will add links of our trip so that you can view the photos at their sites.

Our first stop was at City Farmer's Nursery.  I have  wanted to go here ever since I had read the article on Bill's place in Edible San Diego's magazine.  I was not disappointed!  They were having a Homesteading Arts Festival when we arrived.  Lots of vendors with handcrafted goods, from pottery to jewelry to hand carved gourds.  Bill has a great selection of plants and we were able to pick-up a Galangal (Thai Ginger) Plant for around $4.00.  Tony picked up a wonderful Pineapple Flowering plant called Eucomis comosa. This plant is in the Amaryllidaceae family and should look great with our other Amaryllis collection.

After leaving City Farmer's Nursery we head to Balboa Park to attend the Cactus and Succulent Show and Sale.  Tony found several plants to add to his ever growing collection. He added one golden color called Parodia haselbergii,  a Echinoceros reichenbadrii, a Adenium arabacum which has a beautiful magenta pink color flower. Also picked up a Pachypodium saundersii and I found a gorgeous Plumeria cutting for $6.00 that is called Golden Rainbow.  The flower on the display photo looked beautiful so I am hoping the cutting roots for me. I have rooted them before with success and this cutting looks very healthy.

(I decided to add a few photos now that the camera is in hand and the battery charged. Here is what we found on our travels yesterday)
Pineapple Flower Eucomis comosa
Galangal Ginger is the tall bamboo looking plant
Pachypodium saundersii
Adenium arabacum
Plumeria Golden Rainbow all potted up and ready to grow.
The display at the Cactus and Succulent show was fantastic this year! Tony has new found inspiration to enter some of his plants in their show; something he has always wanted to do. Maybe next year!

We took a tour of the Rose Garden while at the park and then headed over to the Moreton Bay Fig Tree.

After leaving Balboa Park we decided to head to Old Town San Diego for a late lunch at Casa de Reyes Restaurant.  While we waited for our table we visited a few of the charming shops in the courtyard.  We were drawn to the Temecula Olive Oil Companys shop and ended up trying a few of their awesome olive oils.  We purchased a Hickory oil and a Blood Orange oil along with a bottle of Honey Balsamic Bianco vinegar.

What a great day, even though I did forget the darn camera!!  

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