Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tomato Update June 2012

Tomato Big White Pink Stripe Bed 3

What a difference a month makes May 30th in the Garden.
Lots, and lots of photos today to keep my tomato log up to date. 
Tomato Anna's Russian Pink (an Ox- heart shape tomato) Bed 2
Anna's Russian Pink Bed 2
Tomato Crimson Carmello Bed 3
Tomato German Queen Pink Bed 2
Tomato Green Zebra Bed 2
Green Zebra Bed 2
Tomato Purple Russian Bed 1  (I picked one last night!)
Tomato San Marzano (lower) above right is Purple Russian in Bed 1
Tomato Southern Night (along driveway)
Ponderosa Tomato
2 Southern Nights and 1 Gold Medal Tomato, Yellow Crookneck Squash to the left and Cocozelle Zucchini to the right
 volunteer tomato in driveway bed, looks to be a paste tomato probably San Marzano
Later plantings of Ponderosa (2) and Cherokee Purple, planted on May 28thWe staked these for lack of room for more cages
Another View of Ponderosa on left, Yellow Crookneck Squash then Southern Night and Gold Medal
Bed 1 this end shows Persimmon Orange, then Paul Robeson.  Robeson is not doing as well as I hoped.
Bed 2 this end shows Green Zebra
Bed 3
Corner of Bed 3 with Gold Medal on left, then Crimson Carmello and Mortgage lifter
Front of Bed 3 with Gold Medal
Bed 4 has a San Marzano volunteer and a Japanese Eggplant
Onions in Bed 4

Onions that seeded outside of Bed 4

Onions on front driveway bank
Late additions Flame or Hillbilly Tomato planted in back by pavers on Sunday June 23, 2012
Late additions: Dr. Wyche's and Chocolate Stripe (small but they will make it) planted June 23, 2012

More late additions: German Queen on left (tiny little guy) June 23 2012
 I have so many seedlings left that I decided to add these since the sunflowers were finished and I had the space now. A tomato addict can never have too many plants!

These are waiting for homes!
Picked this morning. I had one white eggplant, small but I picked it anyway. Today's lunch?  See below!
Oven Roasted Garlic and  Yellow Crookneck Squash,  with garden fresh Arugula. Grilled Flatbread (recipe later on my A Table for Rue Blog) drizzled with a grainy Mustard and Honey Balsamic Dressing.  YUM!!

 I am staying very busy picking summer squash and herbs right now. I have been drying Greek and Mexican Oregano for winter.  And blanching summer squash for the freezer. I have never had this many scallop and patty pan squash. I put in the same amount of plants as I always have but this year I have had to pick every day. I filled the sink full again this morning.


  1. You have veggies galore ..... question...what is the purpose of the chicken wire around the June 23 plantings?

    1. Hi Mimi, we put that around the small plants until they get established to keep animals from digging around them. I use organic fertilizer and compost and many times this attracts animals. This has really helped me over the years. We also line all of our planting beds with chicken wire to keep gophers out.

      Thank you for visiting!

  2. I am enjoying all your tomatoes and other gardening bounty so much...alas, none of the above for us this season as we will soon be on the road.

    That flatbread sandwich looks wonderful - something to enjoy on the deck with a glass of wine and good friends...a must try!


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