Tuesday, July 17, 2012

105 Tomatoes in Two Days

They are really coming in now.  I picked a total of 105 on Sunday and Monday.  Many of these were small, but I was able to get a few large Cherokee Purple and Southern Night.  Some of Ponderosa are coming in now too.  San Marzano continues to struggle and I will probably pull it out.  I do have two that I planted a couple of weeks ago and hopefully these will do better. I think the problem with San Marzano may be due to the cooler weather this spring and summer. 

The last couple of nights was down to 61 degrees, days only reaching around 79.  Seems very cool for the middle of July.  This is the reason I keep planting more tomato seedlings that I still have left.  I feel that we will have a late summer and why not add more plants...I pulled out a couple of the summer squash plants that had started to spread.  When this happens I know the plant is beginning to slow down. I can't see using up that space when I would only get a few squash a day. I still have plenty in the refrigerator and I do have several other summer squash plants still growing and supplying us with plenty of squash each day.  I will plant another German Queen and maybe another Ponderosa or Black Krim.  I am hoping to have a huge crop of tomatoes to can and freeze.  Not sure how many I will be roasting this year as I think my oven is on the blink (again).  It is an electric Kitchenaid stove.  I had one of the heating elements replaced a year or two ago, but when I went to roast a pan of squash on Sunday, the oven didn't seem to heat up.  I guess I will call a repairman again and see what's up.  Appliances just don't last very long anymore. You are lucky to get 5 years out of them!

 "For him in vain the envious seasons roll
Who bears eternal summer in his soul."
Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Old Player

 Better get busy outdoors now.  Here are a few photos just to keep my blog up to date for review.


  1. We have the opposite problem, Carla. Too much heat makes tomatoes abort their flowers! The Herbal Husband found early blight so late blight might not be far behind! Always something, but you will be busy, girlfriend! xxoo Nancy

    1. Nancy, I am so sad that so many are suffering from all the heat and then the damage to the crops is just terrible.

  2. Wow, wow, wow. Just a bit of envy here. George

    1. George, I got rid of the comment verification. I know those are a pain and I had forgot that I set that up. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Wow! They look great. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  4. Do you have good recipes for all of those tomatoes? I hope so. Salsa would be perfect.

    1. Ann, Salsa is at the top of the list this week. I do roast a lot of them and then just toss in bags and freeze for the winter. And I do can some, but for the most part I freeze them. I do can salsa though.


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