Friday, March 26, 2010

The Herb Garden, Coffee, Chocolate and Waiting for the Orioles to Arrive

By mid morning I was ready to start work on the herb garden, but oh so many books to browse through!  First up was coffee with a piece of Trader Joe's Mocha Crunch Chocolate, which delayed my start for about an hour. 

Around 11:30 I was ready to begin. Newly purchased seeds and plants.  German Thyme, English Thyme, Variegated Sage and Purple Sage, more French Lavender and two new Chamomile plants. 

Already in the garden are Variegated Thyme, Lemon Thyme, Chives, Marjoram, Greek Oregano, Mexican Oregano, Catnip and Parsley.  On either side of the compost bags are two Rosemary plants; the one on the top right that you can barely see is about 25 years old. 

Nutmeg scented geranium in lower center front of photo. Nice to use in sugars and jellies.

Lots of yellow Iris for a border and a couple of climbing roses to the right in back of the bird bath.  I still need to find a nice arbor for these two plants, which will go across the pathway toward the house. 

English Lavender.  I have many Lavender plants in my gardens, Mexican, English and French.  All do very well here in So. California. 

Then...I heard a familiar chatter in the tree, hmmmm could it be...already

A moment taken to place tangerines on the Sweetgum tree (liquidambar styraciflua) for the arrival of the Orioles.  They will weave their pouches in this tree for nesting. 

I finished the plantings just in time. Here is a male popping out from the lavender and just about to leap up in the tree.  They're back!


  1. Like those tomato cages and the wicker chair.

  2. I envy this setting! Goodness. You are so green! Look at all you have planted, cultivated and maintained. Your passion is so evident. What a satisfying feeling you must have each day. How inspiring! This blog is such a gift Carla.

  3. Thank you Pat. I am hoping this will keep them manageable this year.

  4. Carrie, I am blessed to have this home.

  5. How lucky you are, everything here is still brown and very very wet. Love your blog.

  6. Splendidly beautiful and serene - and oh those Orioles - absolutely precious!! Everything looks so good. Thanks for posting.

  7. Thank you for stopping in Joy!


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla