Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Tomato Cage

Sunday was a perfect day as usual and we built this structure for for my Heirloom tomatoes.  It turned out perfect and will hold 8 plants.  I got the idea from a friend of mine who made one from pvc pipe, that proved to be a bit more expensive than this one so we went with 1x2x10 lumber and used wood screws to assemble.

The spring onions are still producing.   I started these from seed in January and they really have done very well this year. 

This year I selected all heirloom varieties:  Yellow Stuffer, it's shaped like a bell pepper and is hollow inside.  I planted this one last year and it did really well; fun to stuff with rice salad for a nice lunch. 

Copia, a cross between Green Zebra and Marvel Stripe, 1 pound fruit, a repeat from last year. 

Green Zebra, my favorite green/yellow tomato and a repeat from last year. 

Brandywine, love this one, another repeat from last year. 

Old German, Martino's Roma and Mama Rosas, all new for me this year. 
I still need to plant these cherry tomatoes,  Yellow Pear, Green Grape, Golden Egg and Sweet 100.  Not sure if the Sweet 100 is an heirloom, but is a wonderful cherry tomato.  You only need one red if you purchase this one!
I am sure I will add more tomato plants in April.  I just need to wait for the lettuces and winter veggies to finish producing so I can use those raised beds.


  1. Hi Carla; the tomato cage looks good and is practical to keep the plants from falling over. We have sort of a long pyramid made from steel mesh one uses when concreting a floor. It works well as the plants flop towards it. You plant many heirloom tomatoes which is great. we are very restricted in our climate. Roma or Marzano tomato does very well and brings a big crop. Also sort of a cherry tomato but much bigger then a cherry. It is nice to cook with all the different tomatoes and interesting to read about your choices.

  2. Titania, that is a very good idea. I might try that for the cherry tomatoes. I like the heirloom variety, so many to choose from and not enough space. I like to share my veggies with friends that don't have the space or time to garden.

  3. WOW! I love this garden of yours. All the pictures are sooooo beautiful. I love your garden. The pictures have given me so many ideas for my own garden this summer. I am sending your link to my husband so that he can see how beautiful everything is. We are thinking of putting bricks around the garden also. Thank You for the pictures and ideas. Also, thank you for your support of my teas.

  4. My friend is giving me some extra cherry tomato plants she has! I have never done any of this, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it's done, how things progress for you. :o)

    That tower is impressive! You guys really outdo yourselves. Awesome!

    Thank you for all your kind comments on my journal. I really appreciate you Carla.


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla