Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Ballerina Fushia Plants

I bought these two Ballerina fushias last weekend and just potted them today. They really do look like little ballerina's.

I might try training these two into topiaries.

Also a picture of the "girls" basking in the front yard.  Rain yesterday so they spent most of the day inside. 

Pippy von Bitenhymer and Cookie Crumble

Time stands still in a garden


  1. Pippy and Cookie are adorable, and I love those fushias!

  2. Your dancing ladies are lovely ... they certainly make a great pair. Pippy and Cookie are a couple of lovley ladies as well!

  3. WE had a giant German Shepard we named ' Cookie ", because we had three small children back then , and that's what they wanted to name her. She never looked like a ' Cookie ", but we loved her. Your flowers are so pretty, I am partial to pink flowers, Gina

  4. Carla, thank you for your visit to my site so that I could return it. Escondido - one of our favorite places to visit. ;)

    Your tomatoes are looking great in the prior posts; our vegetables are coming along but just had a blast of rain and cooler temps, but that will change. Happy Gardening.

  5. The fuschias are so neat! I love all the intersting things I get to see in your garden.

    I love the your cats' names! I bet they have fun roaming around in your garden too!

  6. Hi Carla, thank you for your comment on SWF.
    The Fuchsias are delightful flowers. I love them too but my climate is to humid to grow them successfully. I think they would make charming standards. Your two "miaow" friends are cute.

  7. Such a lovely peaceful garden! Thanks for the compost info.

  8. Carla, beautiful fushia plants. I've been wintering my fushia plants over and taking cuttings all winter. I was surprised at how easy they are to root.

  9. I love the fuchsias. Last fall I was given a cutting of a fuchsia, I've never have had much luck with them except for this one seems to have flourished and the single cutting is now a large healthy plant. Don't know them name of it and the flower is red but the foliage was the reason it was handed off to me. It is lime green with beautiful red veining in it


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla