Monday, July 12, 2010

My Morning Pickings

Here is what I picked from my garden today.  Lots of tomatoes coming in now.  The sun is finally shining again.  We have been covered with a Marine layer for the last few weeks and I was beginning to wonder if I would ever see the sun again.  It has set the tomatoes back a bit, I think. 

Banana Legs Tomato, Pickling Cucumbers, Anaheim Chili Peppers, Unknown green/yellow Tomato ( might be a Burpee Pineapple Tomato), Estiva Tomato, and Purple Calabash Tomato. Sun grape red Tomato and golden Sweet Hybrid Yellow Grape Tomato along with a  Cherry Tomato.  Also a few Debarao Plum Tomatoes.  This plant is loaded and looks to be a winner.  I am so impressed with Estiva too, the plant holds at least 6 tomatoes on each stem.  It is a medium salad tomato.  I will repeat these two next year for sure.

Heading out to pick Patty Pan and Zucchini Squash, Basil and Tomatillo's next.

I have been so busy in the garden this month.  Hope you all are having a productive summer! 


  1. Wow! Look at your fabulous harvest! I'm jealous you have so many tomatoes ready. I think you sent us your marine layer :P The fruit is growing well, but not riping very fast in the fog! Oh well, we'll catch up soon I'm sure.

  2. Clare, thanks for stopping by. I am so excited this year about my tomatoes.

  3. Hello,
    I found your blog via Dusty Bay's blog hop party.
    Wow...your vegetables look fabulous! You've inspired me to get my vegetable garden growing. I want to plant pumpkin seeds to have them for October and November, but I've heard it's too late(?).
    I LOVE your hydranges from your last post...very beautiful!
    Have a wonderful day!
    ~ Jo :)

  4. I'm so glad you visited, and thanks for your sweet comment about my blog and home. I appreciate it so much!
    Have a good evening,
    ~ Jo :)

  5. viele Grüße in die Ferne von Jasmin, schön deine Gartenidylle, neben den Blumengarten haben wir auch einen Bauerngarten und die ersten Gurken sind schon geerntet, aber die Tomaten sind noch grün...

  6. Wow - what a fantastic variety and how colourful. I love your garden, i'm growing squashes for the first time this year and can only hope theyre as prolific as yours!


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