Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Storm Was Brewing!

The clouds starting forming early morning.  The forecast was a 10% chance of rain.  Here in California if rain is forecast at all we always look to the skies in hopes that 10% might be at our house.  I took the camera out and starting taking a few pictures of the clouds that were forming in the North and West of my house.

Around Noon Yesterday looking North

Looking West at 3:00 PM


 Last night looking West at sunset

Early morning from front door looking North

We had several heavy showers after thunder and lighting storm around 6:00 this morning.  The air is heavy with the smell of sagebrush now.  I have all my windows open,  Life is good.

Update: 10:30 AM more rain, heavy right now. My plants are singing!

“May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you and all your heart might desire.”

-old Irish blessing


  1. The first photo is very attractive and had brought me here. It's been raining daily these days over here in Malaysia. The Irish saying is meaningful.

  2. I love pictures of clouds especially someone else's clouds. I just returned from Vegas and 103 temps, it was wonderful. Back home in Oregon and clouds over my head.

  3. Hi One and Doc, thank you so much for stopping by my blog. We enjoyed the rain long into last night. A special treat for us at this time of year.

  4. This past week has been spectacular for cloud formations - apparently all across the country. We witnessed an awesome display in Montana earlier this week.
    Like your sequence of photos and the palm leaves silhouette...
    Who can possibly be bored with all this beauty around us...
    Thank you for sharing and have a lovely weekend!

  5. taylorsoutback, I think if more people like us would get outdoors and enjoy what the mother nature has to offer we would be a peaceful world.


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