Monday, February 7, 2011

Juicy Navel Oranges, Radicchio, Swiss Chard, Watercress, Spicy Arugula

"Leaves are turning brilliant colors
The entire landscape is new
Like Mother Nature is practicing
With her water colors just for you"
-Marilyn Lott
The veggie gardens really doing well, even with the colder nights we have had recently.  I was concerned last week that we would get hit with a frost but fortunately the temperatures never went below 34.  Yesterday I took a few more pictures of the beds to keep my journal up to date.  Also picked bunches of goodies to eat this week. 
This is the first year that I planted Radicchio Palla Rossa Ashalim and I am very happy with the results. Thank you Botanical Interests for so many wonderful organic seeds!

Also the first year I planted Watercress.  I am sure that this will only grow in our winter months, but we will see how long it lasts when the heat of the summer months arrives.  I love to add this to my salads, it has a nice peppery bite; very good in omelets, too.
The Kale I planted this year was a dwarf blue from Ferry Morse seeds. Not much of it came up which is a disappointment since I don't have a lot of space to allow for a failed crop. I will head to the nursery today and buy some more seeds, probably will plant Botanical Interests Italian Nero Toscana Kale which did very well for me last winter. 
All the lettuce are doing very well. I pick once a week now and have re-seeded some of the bare spots in the beds.  I used a Mesclun blend from Botanical Interests that includes Black Seeded Simpson, Buttercrunch, Green Salad Bowl, Lolla Rossa, Red Oak leaf and Rouge d'Hilver.  Also from Botanical Interest a Spicy Blend that includes Grand Rapids, Red Salad Bowl, Red Sails, Mizuna, Green Endive, Royal Oak leaf, and Arugula.  I plant a lot of Arugula, it is one of my favorites; I use it in omelets and it is delicious with pasta and beans.
The beets slowed down a bit when the weather turned warm a few weeks ago.  I have pulled a few but they are really taking a lot longer than last years crop.  Lots and lots of Swiss Chard, I could pick this daily but generally only get to it once a week. The varieties I have are Fordhook Giant, Ruby Red Rhubarb and Bright Lights.  We eat a lot of Swiss Chard!
I still have until the end of March to grow my winter veggies before I will need to use the space for my summer vegetables.
Still picking lots of Spring Onions. I continue to plant the onion sets each week, adding 6-12 bulb to the bare spots in the beds. They can be tucked in between plants just about anywhere you see an empty spot.

We're picking Navel Oranges daily now, really sweet and juicy. 
Grapefruit are coming along, but will need a few more months.  Last year they were very small so I am hoping the heavy rains we had this year will help to give us large, juicy fruit; they look good so far. 


  1. Total jealousy from up north here

  2. Hi Doc,
    Wish we could send some your way.

  3. Hi Carla; seeing your basket full of wonderful salads I want to make a salad right away. the Radicchio looks amazing, everything pops right out of the page. I love all these salads, the best! Your Citrus fruit too are very enjoyable. Mine ripen in winter from June on...I can not wait. Due to our very wet and cloudy early summer our vegetables did not thrive. After the floods and cyclones, I hope there is some peace now. The garden is planted so we hope for the best; yesterday I harvested my first cucumber, it was delicious. I admire your gardening skills to produce such a healthy crop.

  4. Hi Titania,
    I am so happy that you have stopped by. I am so excited to have radicchio, this is the first year I have grown it. I love salads too and growing your own as you know has so much more flavor than what is in the markets, even the farmers markets don't compare to homegrown.

    Will be over to your blog soon.

  5. Your radicchio is gorgeous!!! All your photos are! I noticed your temperature right now is at 45 - incredibly here in the Northwoods of Wisconsin tonight we are at 41...only problem is - the 2 feet of snow we have on the ground. Maybe it will start to go the meantime, I will visit your garden pictures!!
    And thank you for dropping by to visit my quilts. It is a toss up - buying garden stuff or fabric...VBG

  6. Your harvest is not only plentiful and healthy-looking, it looks just gorgeous. Almost too pretty to eat. I'm also envious. Radicchio is a great idea.

  7. Hi Barbara, good to see you! I will be over to visit your blog soon.


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla