Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Making Progress


First coat of Semi-gloss Enamel on lower cabinets.

Drawers with First Coat

I added some (wood) trim to both sides of the cabinet.

This photo shows the trim I added to the center, where both cabinets meet and to the right edge.  There was a bit of a gap in the center and I think the added (wood) trim makes the cabinets have a more finished look. 

More trim on both sides of the dishwasher.

Above photo shows the cabinet frames with just the primer on them. I will paint those tomorrow with the Semi-Gloss.

This is the area under the sink.  It turned out nice and smooth. I will give most of these a second coat, I think, not sure if I need to do all the framing with a second coat but I think the drawer fronts and doors will hold up better with two coats. 

I added a wood corner trim piece here.  I really like the way this added trim is looking, my cabinets look much cleaner and finished now. 

Today, I paint the 16 doors, one side only! This photo shows them with the primer. This will be a two day project since the enamel takes a lot longer to dry.  I can't paint both sides the same day.

Another photo of the frames with just the primer. Hopefully I can get the doors and frames finished today.  I am waiting for the air to warm a little more outdoors so I can open up the windows.  

 Sorry for the blurred photo here, just wanted a picture of the doors.

Below are some photos of two Granite samples.  I am leaning towards the darker color since my floors with be the brown tile (see photos from previous posts) and I like a earthy color scheme in my home. I like the clean, white color of the Kashmir White, but I think it would be a little too Modern for what I am looking to achieve.  This weekend we will go to Arizona Tile and look at more Granite samples.  I am also thinking of adding tile to the back of the stove area and under those cabinets, then run it along the back-splash by the sink and that counter. Lots to think about! 

Often the goal is nearer than

it seems to a faint faltering man,

often the struggler has given up

when he might have captured the victor’s cup,

and he learned too late, when the night slipped down,

how close he was to the golden crown.

-Author Unkown

 More Inspiration Below




  1. Oh Arizona tile is so pretty. I love those cabinets and the enamel paint is beautiful. Great job. Your house is really really nice. B

    1. Thank you B. I am having fun with the painting. Just finished the first coat of enamel on the doors!

  2. You are making good progress. You will love the granite, but take your time to chose carefully because you will live with it a long time. In our old house we remodeled our kitchen and used a granite much like your white sample. It had red flecks of garnets in it. I loved it. We will be remodeling soon I hope, too. No cabinets, just flooring, countertop, backsplash and a new fridge and cook to. Just. Your kitchen will be gorgeous and you will love it. Can't wait to see the final.

    1. Ann, the sample of the Kashmir White has garnets specks in it, too. I do like it but I think I will go with a darker shade like the browns. My kitchen has a skylight in it, plus glass door and window so I think the white may be too bright. Lots to think about, but I am excited.

      I look forward to hearing about your remodel project on your blog!

  3. I am so excited for you. It looks great! I love that paint color! My vote is for the darker top, because I love the brown counter in your inspiration photo.

    1. Thank you Bonnie! I like the darker sample too and am leaning in that direction. I need to check out a few more slabs at the Arizona Tile store just to make sure I have the colors I want. I am so excited about this project. The work in not too bad and I feel good about what I have accomplished so far.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. The color you chose for your kitchen is pretty. I know you are anxious to see your finished product. It will be perfect.

  5. Its looking good ! I know youll be gald to be done .

  6. So glad that your kitchen is almost finished. I know that will be a good day in 2013. Happy New Year, Carla.


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