Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tomato Update 2013

Cherokee Purple Tomato

Long overdue update on my tomatoes for 2013.  I only planted 8 this year as I have had so many projects going on that I didn't want to put in as many as I have the previous years, plus I just don't need as many as I have had in the past. I still have quite a few jars and bags still in the freezer.  This year we will just eat what we grow and probably not do a lot of canning, that will be determined as to how much of a crop I get this year.

I did plant two types of cherry tomatoes this year. A Black Cherry and a Super Sweet 100 cherry. I generally don't plant cherry tomatoes as I like the flavor of all the heirloom, large fruits, but I got lazy and decided if I didn't have time to work in the garden the cherries would be easier to handle.

 I picked our first batch of summer squash last Friday so we are on our way!  The cherry tomatoes should be getting ripe any day now, the rest will be coming in sometime in July, probably early July with the looks of the plants. We have lots of fruit on the vines and so far not a worm in site.  The Orioles are doing a great job of keeping an eye on the plants. They and the Mockingbirds love to sit atop the wood cages and dive into the plants looking for worms.

San Marzano, still small but sprawling on the back side. Lots of tomatoes on the vines.

San Marzano
Gold Medal
Super Sweet 100 cherry tomato
Dr. Wyche, planted in mid-May
Stupice Tomato, planted in mid-May
Crook-neck summer squash
Patty Pan or Scallop summer squash
Yellow striped Mexican zucchini
Black Heirloom cherry tomato


  1. Garden envy continues...we had such a late spring my tomato plants just got transferred to the raised beds - it will be August before anything happens though I also included a Sweet 100 like you. And look at your summer squash - sigh .....enjoy your long growing season!!

    1. I just hope that the weather keeps being as nice as it is now. You never know anymore what any of us gardeners will get from Mother Nature LOL. I will be over to check out your happenings now.

  2. AUNTE CARLA,, Nice... now hopefully mother nature is good to you... :):) JEAN

    1. Hi Jean! Thanks for coming to my blog and leaving a note. Mother nature is normally very good to us and this year she looks to be blessing us with lots of goodies! You need to come visit this summer.

  3. You grow awesome tomatoes. I cannot believe how tall they grow.

    1. Hi Ann, I grow a lot of the heirloom indeterminate and they can get very tall if you put them in cages. You can also just let them sprawl on the ground, but it makes it hard to pick them.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. San Diego County is great for tomatoes, I can see that! I've never seen such commodious frames to keep tomato plants off the ground -- I sure could have used some of those this year when our plants quickly escaped their usual cages and I had to spend an hour or two tying them up. Yours are gloriously healthy!


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