Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Visit from the California Quail Couple


I was elated this morning to see a couple of California Quail in the backyard.  One male and one female; sadly the female only had one leg, she was hopping about and was being closely watched by the male.  He moved about her each time she left the area they were feeding at.  My heart was warmed by the thought of this male caring for his mate!

I used my zoom lens to get the photos, they were about 15-20 feet from where I was sitting and enjoying my morning coffee. I always take my camera with me when I sit outdoors in the morning. You never know what wonderful treats nature will bestow upon you!


To hear their call, go to this link California Quail  scroll down, listen all the way through the recording to hear the Chi-ca-go.


  1. The quail are beautiful. You got really good photos of them. Are you done with tomatoes yet? Ours were so miserably hailed. I am canning salsa over the week end. We are about to the end of our growing season. But do you know that best and healthiest tomato plants that we have in the garden this year are the volunteer cheery tomatoes? They are just beginning to set fruit, so we hope that the weather will hold so that they ripen. We are wondering that if we sew some heirloom seeds in the fall if they will grow next spring. We are going to give it a try.

    1. Hi Ann, I was lucky to get these pics, they tend to hide in the shrubs and when they do come out sometimes I don't have my camera ready.

      We are still picking tomatoes but they are slowing down. This week has been super hot and the plants are looking sad. They won't set blossoms in this kind of heat. Hopefully next week will be cooler.

      I had one volunteer Green Zebra tomato this year. I was so happy to see it since I didn't plant that one this year.

      Enjoy your canning and salsa! Thank you for stopping by, I will be over soon to see what you are up to.


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