Thursday, January 16, 2014

We Are Growing! Tomato Update 2014

Waiting.....for tomatoes!
(that's a lemon at the top of the photo hanging from our tree)

 Photos taken January 15th

Reach for the sky!!!

I am giving the seedlings sun each day now and was able to put them outdoors for a few hours the last couple of days.  Yesterday temperatures reached 86 and today we are forecast for 87.  I put them in a location of filtered sun for now since they are still very fragile.  Tony also bought us a grow light fixture since we know this weather will not last and I will need to give them light!

Until tomato time comes we will pick oranges!


 This navel orange is full of blossoms

 We have two navel orange trees.


Valencia, the bees are busy working these flowers. 

One of two grapefruit trees, this one is a pink grapefruit and we pretty much get to pick this one year round as long as we leave some on it.

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