Friday, February 28, 2014

We Have Rain! and Lots of Produce, too.

It has been raining since yesterday.  We should get at least 2 inches by the time the storm moves out on Sunday.  This is a very warm rain for February, it was 58 at 6:00 AM.  Hoping we don't have any flooding or mudslides!

I took the photos below on Wednesday.  Also picked a big batch of lettuces and onions before the rain started yesterday.  Lots of flowers blooming which I added to my salad.


for my salad, Calendula, Nasturtiums, Oxalis and Salad Burnet


2nd planting of Lacinato Kale

one of several Giant Mustard

Speckles Lettuce, one of our favorites this year.

Loquat tree is loaded with fruit, these should be ready in May.

Raised bed planted with lacinato kale, ruby and bright lights swiss chard.  Seedling of radish, collard greens, beets and carrots.

Tatsoi, beets and collard green sprouts (I think)

More Speckles lettuce and Lolla Rossa lettuce

Leaf lettuce that bolted in the heat. I will let this go to seed head and then save the seeds.

More Tatsoi, most have shot up seed heads so I may need to plant out more seedlings now that the rains have come. 

Onions and swiss chard I pulled from the bed along the driveway

Little Gem Romaine and Lolla Rossa lettuce from the bed along the driveway


  1. Look at the beauty. We have seen the mudslides here and all,of the rain. We have freezing snow this morning. I love your Pinterest pins, especially the little felted fairy dolls. Do you collect them?

    1. Hi Ann, no I don't collect the felted fairies, but I have them on the list to try to make. They are so sweet and I would love to try my hand at felting.


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