Monday, August 25, 2014

Birth Anouncement, We Have Sprouts!

August 25
Look at the little ones at just 5-6 days old! 

August 25
Just a couple of photos today to keep my blog up-to-date on my newly planted winter garden plants.  I have another flat of plants that only had a few sprouts showing so I didn't bother to take a picture of those.  Most of these are the lettuces, a few of the lacinato kale and a few broccolini are showing too.  

Planted August 20

Planted August 20

Today's Harvest

Here is what I picked today from our community garden plot

Lacinato Kale from our community garden plot

Pulled the rest of the onions from bed along the driveway

Last of the Cherry Tomatoes from raised beds in the grove


Last of the tomatoes from my vines here at home.  I have 4 plants at the community garden but they are not doing all that well, I will give them until October when I will then need the space for the winter garden.

 a sweet little bouquet from my backyard flowers

Have a Beautiful Day!


  1. I love your colorful vegetable harvests. I'm so disappointed with my squash and zucchini, they were attacked by squash bugs and the cucumber failed too. I think I told you that. We have tomatoes and I haven't harvested them yet. I plan on making tomato sauce but I don't want to harvest until I'm ready. Always busy here! Your flowers are gorgeous, the plumeria is stunning. Thank you for sharing this post.

    1. Thanks for visiting Priscilla. I will be over again soon.


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