Saturday, October 18, 2014

Winter Garden 2014 is Planted!

This will be a bunch of boring pictures but I wanted to post the first planting of my winter garden.  This is our plot at the community garden, it measures 18 x18 feet.

All of my seedlings, garlic and seeds ready to go

Lacinato Kale (Dino Kale) from July

Sorrel was planted from seed in July

After rototilling and leveling the ground

Making the paths around the beds

All planted

This San Marzano tomato is doing better now than it had all summer.  I am going to try to keep it growing for next years cuttings.

2 Rocket Arugula, 6 Oak Leaf, 6 Mesclun, 14 Marvel of Four Seasons, 17 Buttercrunch lettuces

6 Cauliflower Graffiti, a purple color

14 Garlic plants and Spring Onions planted throughout the garden.

Far left is the Sorrel and 7 Ruby Swiss Chard seedlings.  Center raised bed on far right, Kohlrabi 3 rows, Red Beet 1 row, Chioggia Beet 1 row, Gourmet Beet 1 row. Center raised bed on left, Broccoli Raab 2 rows, Romaine lettuce Freckles 1 row, Easter Egg radish, White icicle radish, and French Breakfast radish sharing 1 row.  I still have space in the middle of this bed to plant more.

6 Lacinato Kale seedlings

halfway down this row is where I planted Snow Peas, with bamboo sticks for support

20 Chinese Cabbage called Michihili

All Planted, Watered and Nestled in!


  1. Such a beautiful garden so nicely laid out. I must show this to the Head Gardener for next year. We ended up with a royal mess this year because we planted too many tomatoes and didn't get round to supporting them. Too many other things this summer. I like the way you have laid out the garden. Do you use any sort of mulch for the paths to soak up mud and prevent weeds?

    1. Thank you Ann. We do put down some mulch on the pathways and I also add more compost to the beds as the plants grow. We don't get that many weeds in here since it is and has been maintained for so many years. One of the only weeds that is persistent is Purslane, but that is easy to pull out and it is an edible plant that I often add to my salad.

      My tomatoes did not do well at all this year and I am going through withdrawals as I type! LOL

  2. Carla, so much hard work and dedication toward your winter garden! Love your header; so pretty!


    1. Thank you Poppy. Winter in Southern California is a time for us to grow many varieties that don't do well in the heat of the summer months. Thanks for coming by my little garden,

  3. Gosh you've been busy! I feel inspired to get on with winter tasks this week when I see what you've achieved!

    1. frg,
      I do enjoy my winter garden, and the cooler weather makes it easier to work outdoors. Thank you for coming by my little blog.

  4. Carla, your garden is so organized and tended. Mine kind of drifts and wanders where seed hits even when it is weeded. Am jealous of your winter growing weather.

    1. Thank you George. So far we are not seeing a lot of weeds, but I know that will be short-lived!


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla