Monday, November 24, 2014

Winter Garden Update 2014, Lots of Photos

 The garden at 5 weeks.

Here we have Kohlrabi, Red Beet, Chioggia Beet, a blend of Gourmet Beets and Kalettes, a hybrid plant that is crossed with brussel sprouts and kale. San Marzano Tomato plant in the back, getting huge.  I will need to put a fence around it soon, or it will move into the bed.

 Red Russian Kale

 The larger plants in the center are Brussel Sprouts.  Back row is Easter Egg Radish, White Icicle Radish and French Breakfast Radish.  Front row has Freckles, a Romaine lettuce and also some Broccoli Raab plants that are not in the picture.

 Lacinato Kale plant is a real workhorse.  I pick from these two plants each week.

 Sorrel, one of my favorite greens to add to soup and salad.  It has a wonderful lemony flavor.

Some backup Lacinato Kale plants.  I think I have 6 of these growing in a few places around the garden.

 This is Michihili, a Chinese Cabbage; off to the right are more smaller seedlings of the same plant.

 More Broccoli Raab or Rapini plants, planted just a couple of weeks ago.

 Marvel of Four Seasons lettuce

 Snow Peas

Now for some bad news!  A gopher moved in overnight and took down one of my Graffiti Cauliflower plants.  I have 6, and I hope to get him before he moves on to more and damages or kills them as he did this one.  We set a trap here so hopefully...

 Buttercrunch lettuce, and more holes from a gopher.  We set two more traps here so keep your fingers crossed that we get it.  Friday Tony will dig down 18" all around our garden, and put down a barrier of wire mesh to keep them from getting in again. Lots of work and we should have done that before I planted.

 Speckles lettuce

 Graffiti, a purple Cauliflower. The five remaining plants that the gopher didn't get to.

 Ruby Red Swiss Chard

 Augula, Oak Leaf and a butter lettuce.  Also seeded a blend of mesclun that is beginning to come in now.

I will leave you with a photo of Garden Party, my pretty rose in my front bed.  She is all covered in raindrops from the few showers we had last week.  All of my roses are blooming again!


  1. I do miss my roses. They are sleeping. So much good green stuff growing. I see lots of great salads in your future.

    1. Hi Ann, it is going to get hot here this week so I am not sure how long garden will be green. I am sure the lettuces will bolt in the heat.

  2. Wonderful winter garden, hope you get that gopher.


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