Sunday, January 4, 2015

Winter Garden Update January 2015

More photos of my winter garden.  These are again from my garden at the senior community garden that we are so lucky to have.  Our plot is 18x20, a good size for just the two of us.  I fertilized all the plants today. Sadly, I had to pull out the San Marzano tomato plant that got hit by the frost over the last few days.  Now I have that space to the right of the photo above to plant more lettuce seedling.  I started them a couple of weeks ago and they will be ready to transplant by the end of the month.  The good news is that the tomato plant is the only one I lost to the frost and this week we will be warming up again.  Monday and Tuesday will be 80 degrees!  Nights will still be cool at the mid 40's.


  1. I see tasty things in your garden plots. Your Kale looks very green and your greens, too..

    We've had moderate temperatures and now we're about to have well-below-freezing. I must cut my broccoli prematurely and hope the cabbages can fend for themselves.

    1. Jean, thank you for stopping by! We will have an 80 degree day today. I will send out some warming vibes in the hopes that they will protect your plants from the frost.

  2. Here the garden is under several inches of snow. The iphone weather ap says that it is 1 degree, so there won't be any garden dreams for a while. Your greens look healthy and tempting. Happy New Year.

    1. Hi Ann, boy you are in for a cold day. I feel very lucky today to have sunshine hitting my kitchen floor and warming up the tile so I can walk barefoot and feel the warmth.

      Happy New Year to you too. Thank you for always taking the time to stop by my blog, I will be over to yours soon.

  3. Your greens are looking so delicious and fresh - we are at 19 below this morning and heavily snow covered so just had to get a "garden fix" right away - thank you for sharing your winter garden! Meanwhile, garden catalogues arrive in the mailbox I can plan and dream...

    1. Hi Pat, yes the greens are really taking off after the rains we had. I can't believe how cold it is there. I love getting garden catalogs too. In fact I was just looking through Botanical Interests Seed's catalog a few hours ago. Spring will be just around the corner and you will be planting soon. Sending out warm thoughts your way.


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