Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Missing In Action

I can't believe it has been 5 months since my last post.  My winter garden didn't do all that well and I ended up with just swiss chard, beets, kale, sorrel, onions, and some lettuce varieties.  This of course is after the wonderful cauliflower harvest.  After that we had super hot weather and I lost the cabbage plants to bolting and lost the brussel sprouts to aphids.

 On to better news.  I have 11 tomato plants in at my senior garden plot and am still  harvesting swiss chard and beets.  Lots of onions are just about ready to pull, but the garlic is slow and small.  I will leave both in for a month or so.  

I have summer squash coming in now but the other day I saw the 3 striped beetle on the leaves and even found them on the radish leaves.  I hand picked them and disposed of them then sprayed with an organic oil spray to see if that will keep them away.  Once they move in you are pretty much out of luck. 

When I remember to bring my camera along I will add some photos to my blog.  I hope all of you gardener friends are in full planting mode and I look forward to checking out your blogs soon.

Life has been busy of late.

Happy Spring!!!