Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Missing In Action

I can't believe it has been 5 months since my last post.  My winter garden didn't do all that well and I ended up with just swiss chard, beets, kale, sorrel, onions, and some lettuce varieties.  This of course is after the wonderful cauliflower harvest.  After that we had super hot weather and I lost the cabbage plants to bolting and lost the brussel sprouts to aphids.

 On to better news.  I have 11 tomato plants in at my senior garden plot and am still  harvesting swiss chard and beets.  Lots of onions are just about ready to pull, but the garlic is slow and small.  I will leave both in for a month or so.  

I have summer squash coming in now but the other day I saw the 3 striped beetle on the leaves and even found them on the radish leaves.  I hand picked them and disposed of them then sprayed with an organic oil spray to see if that will keep them away.  Once they move in you are pretty much out of luck. 

When I remember to bring my camera along I will add some photos to my blog.  I hope all of you gardener friends are in full planting mode and I look forward to checking out your blogs soon.

Life has been busy of late.

Happy Spring!!!


  1. Looking forward to some photo's on your next post. I have been missing in action as well and hope to get back on track soon.

  2. I will be checking in to see what you have been up to. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment. I have missed all of my garden friends.

  3. Well, there you are, Carla. I wondered what happened. I would imagine that gardening in CA now is quite difficult. We are just getting started. The rule of thumb here is not to plant until after Mother's Day to avoid threat of killing frost. So we will get with it next week; although we have had a lot of rain with more to come. Glad that we heard from you.

  4. Hi Ann, I know I should have posted more often but the time just seemed to slip by. I had a lot of problems with pests in the winter garden and then the heat spells, well it was just so frustrating that I didn't feel like taking the time to post and then complain about it on the blog. LOL. I probably should have posted all the sad garden stories. I will be over to check on your blog soon. Thank you so much for taking time to stop by. It is good to see you.


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla