Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cool with Clouds Yielding to Sun

As a gardener, one of the things I do each day is check our local weather report for that day and the week ahead.  One of the best things about living in Southern California is the weather.  Even when hit by a hail storm like we had last night, our local Farm Bureau forecast lets us know that sunny skies are on the horizon with their creative 5-day outlook.  I think my favorite one this week is for this upcoming Saturday; mostly sunny and BEAUTIFUL!

Cool with clouds yielding to sun
Cool with clouds yielding to sun
Cool with intervals of clouds and sunshine
Cool with intervals of clouds and sunshine
Partly sunny and remaining cool
Partly sunny and remaining cool
Mostly sunny and breezy
Mostly sunny and breezy
Mostly sunny and beautiful
Mostly sunny and beautiful


  1. Hubby mowed this evening, mostly weeds. Treats of rain all week...
    BUT...Spring is knocking at our doors!

    1. Betty, I sure hope you don't get the storm that we had, but I will bet that it is headed in your direction. Like you say, spring is knocking.

  2. Carla, I much prefere your forecast for the week than ours: snow, wind, cold. And more of the same. Too bad that you had hail, a gardener's
    worst enemy.

    1. Ann, keep the home fires burning! I will try to send some warm sunshine in your direction.

  3. Carla,

    We got the storm you had late last night here in the Phoenix area. Lots of wind with accompanying dust, and then finally some rain! This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous here also.

    1. L. Ambler, we can all use a little rain. Nice to hear that you too will have a gorgeous weekend. Us Southwest dwellers are so spoiled.

  4. Sure like the sound of your weather forecast - especially since we just received over a foot of new snow during the night...I look out my south facing windows and the raised beds and my little potting shed seem even farther away than before...sigh...

    The orchid photo is a knockout!!!


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