Saturday, March 3, 2012

Coming Soon Herb Festival, Spring Plant Sale and Tomatomania at the SD Botanic Garden

 Mark your calendar for the San Diego Botanic Gardens Herb Festival, Spring Plant Sale and
Tomatomania® March 17 and 18th.  

And while you are there pick up a mint plant; fill a bowl full of water add fresh mint leaves and stems too.  No need to heat the water, the mint will release it's wonderful oils and scent into the water in just a few hours.  Use the water to freshen your face each morning.  I keep a jar of mint water in the refrigerator, on days when I need a pick-me-up I splash this on my face; especially after a long day in the sun gardening.  It really works, and as an added bonus people will tell you how good you smell.  If you have lemons or oranges on hand add some zest to the water. Heavenly!

I can't wait! It's hard to believe that Spring is just around the corner and that means Tomatoes are not far behind! I've been going through withdrawals for a few weeks now that all of my canned tomatoes have been used.  I will plant more to make sure I don't run out this early.


  1. With your abundant tomato harvest last year, I can't imagine you have run out of tomatoes. We will soon be starting our seeds, hoping to have better luck with them this years. Wish I could join you at the herb festival.

    1. Ann, I know, but we did. I made a lot of tomato soup this year. Wish you could join me too, we would have a blast.

  2. What a lovely header picture and I enjoyed learning that you can just pick leaves of mint and put them in a bowl of water, and the plants oils will be released. I just bought a small lemon balm plant this morning and this will be an idea to try with that.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comment.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

    1. FlowerLady, I will have to try the lemon balm too.

      I enjoy visiting your blog and often do, but I should leave a comment each time. Thank you too, for stopping by my blog.

  3. Carla, I love mint and the fresh scent in the garden. I like adding them to iced coffee too, yummy! I also can't wait for tomatoes. My mother-in-law bought me a pressure canner with all the gadgets two years ago for my birthday present. I have canning books but I haven't done any canning yet.

    I want to preserve green beans, salsa and spaghetti sauce. Hubby and I were so busy with the move from California to Idaho last year… and now we're planning to move again but this time to a bigger house, not another state! We need a place to rent with more room and hopefully a decent backyard for gardening. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Priscilla, I enjoy canning and I also do a lot of freezing of vegetables. That is a quick and easy way to preserve your bounty. Hope you find a really nice home with lots of garden space.
      Good to see you!

  4. I love herbs and enjoy cooking with them. You have a great blog!

    1. Thank you Angela, for stopping by my blog and for your kind words!


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