Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm Planting Tomatoes! Tomato Update 2012

Bed ready to plant with tomato cage standing upside-down.

 Bed # 1,  I planted a row of Ruby Red Swiss Chard and a row of Round Black Spanish Heirloom Radishes along the long sides of the beds; both from Botanical Interests Seed.  These will do well here until the tomatoes get large. I never let space be wasted when I can plant something to eat!

I had planned on planting next week, but yesterday was so nice that I decided to plant a few tomatoes; seven to be exact. I still have many more to find room for but still need to let the lettuces and chard grow a little longer. I did pull up the peas and have the bed ready for tomatoes.  I will wait to put more in until next week as we are forecast for three days of heavy rains this weekend and Monday.  I may need to cover the plants with plastic buckets if the rain gets to heavy; I don't want to lose any!

Two San Marzano's and one Purple Russian

Paul Robeson and Persimmon Orange
Bed # 3, with space for tomatoes in April

Arugula, Watercress, and Bok Choy seedlings in bed # 3.  I will wait until April to put anymore tomatoes in here.  That should give these plants plenty of time to grow larger. Then I can plant the tomatoes amongst them.
Be 3: at left center is Crimson Carmello and tucked in the center of the Spinach is Flamme' Orange (you can't really see it)
Bed # 2 still picking lots of lettuces, onion, swiss chard, arugula and cilantro
Bed # 4: newly planted with Yukon Gold Potatoes
Bed # 4: these are onions I grew from seeds from my onions last year.
Adirondack Blue Potato growing under the Valencia Orange Tree

 Mystery Tomato Volunteer, I can't wait to see what it produces. Probably Dr. Wyche or Mr. Underwood

 Purple Fingerling Potato growing under Valencia Orange tree

 Garlic and Artichoke (lower left)

 Bok Choy bolting from heat the last few weeks.
Spring Onions and Bok Choy

 My seed basket and small garden journal I take with me when I go to the veggie garden. I put all my notes in here first, then transfer to my blog. Oranges were lunch and lettuce was one that I accidentally broke while working. I also keep plant markers, felt pen and garden gloves in this basket.

Pretty Calendula (calendula officinalis) plant growing in crack in driveway curb.  I didn't have the heart to pull it up when it was small.  I have Calendula's growing all over the property. They are a welcome visitor each spring and last well in the summer. This year they actually began blooming in December and have not quit.  We really didn't have much of a winter this year.  I guess that is why everything is growing so well.  The oranges, lemons and grapefruits have all done so well.  I am grateful to mother nature for providing us with so many wonderful plants and produce.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly Carla, we will not be far behind this year! It is just crazy. Everything looks great! xxoo Nancy


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