Saturday, March 17, 2012

Herb Shopping at Pearson's Garden and Herb Farm

We started out our day thinking we would head to Encinitas and shop at The San Diego Botanic Gardens Tomatomania Festival and Herb Sale.  I had also heard about another nursery in Vista named Pearsons Gardens and Herb Farm which would be closer for us and since it was already raining pretty hard we decided to head there.  I am so glad that I did!

I have been to a lot of herb nurseries in my days but this one has the largest selection of plants I have seen.  Not only is the nursery immaculate, but it is well organized; the staff is so knowledgeable and very helpful.  I mentioned it was my first trip there and one of the staff took the time to explain the layout, and the location of each variety of plant they carried.  They had a nice selection of heirloom tomatoes, very healthy and a nice size for so early.  They also have seeds for sale and many vegetables plants.  It was a gardener's paradise!

Here is a list of what I came home with.  I could easily have purchased more, but one must leave some plants for another trip!

Salad Burnet
Sweet Marjoram
Chiapas Sage
Pineapple Sage
Lemon Rose Thyme
French Thyme
Italian Oregano
Kaliteri Oregano
Lemon Balm
Lemon Mint
Lime Mint
Cat Mint “Six Hills Giant”
Scarlet Runner Beans
Mortgage Lifter Tomato
Black Krim Tomato
Gourmet Baby Corn

Napoletano Basil
Dark Opal Basil
Toscano Kale

"A man taking basil from a woman will love her always."

Sir Thomas Moore


  1. Oh, lucky you...I can smell those sweet herbs all the way to Wisconsin. Our greenhouses are still buttoned up tight even though the last week has been unseasonably warm - 77 today - unheard of!

    Enjoy your new plants...such a nice list...

    1. Taylorsoutback, 77, that is warm for your area. Winter seems to have missed most of the country this year. I wonder what summer will bring?

  2. so jealous! We are still having some frost issues here in northern California along with wind and rain...but, my green house is getting full of seedlings hoping for a warmer time of year soon to come!

    1. Ferne, we have rains and wind this weekend and will have more on Monday. I guess it made it's way down from you in the North!

      Thanks for stopping by!


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