Friday, April 6, 2012

Tomatoes for 2012 and a Full Pink Moon

 We have a full Pink Moon rising tonight.

I planted 5 more tomatoes yesterday for a total of 18.  I still have a few more to plant but need to find space for them. I would like to put in one more San Marzano, Ponderosa and Big White Pink Stripe. I have two San Marzano's in now, but only one of each of the others.
 If you click on the spreadsheet it will enlarge.

I should have made a column for the vendor but will list them here for now.  I purchased seeds from Botanical Interests, Baker Creek Heirloom   and  Seeds of Change.  I also had some seeds I saved from my tomatoes I have grown over the last six years.  

I really enjoy saving my own seeds, but I also love to add new varieties each year, now if I had just won that big lottery last week I could have bought more land to plant more tomatoes!  Oh well, one must not get greedy and we are very fortunate to have the space we do to plant. 

Just in case you can't read the small print on my spreadsheet here is a list of the tomatoes we are growing this year:

Anna Russian Pink
Big White Pink Striped
Black Krim
Cherokee Purple
Crimson Carmello
Flame’ Orange
German Queen Pink
Gold Medal Yellow
Green Zebra
Mortgage Lifter
Paul Robeson Black
Persimmon Orange
Ponderosa Pink
Purple Russian Purple
San Marzano (2)
Southern Night Black (2)

Still to plant
Chocolate Stripe
Dr. Wyche’s 
and maybe....more.

I purchased some seed potatoes from Ronniger Potato Farm.  I tried just three varieties; Purple Peruvian Fingerling, Sangre, and La Ratte. Most have sprouted eyes and I am hoping to get those planted this weekend. I already have a Rose Pink French Fingerling and a Yukon Gold planted in a small bed and some under one of the orange trees again. I have no idea why they grow so well under the tree but they do.  

Also planted seed for Cocozelle, an Italian zucchini and an early Crookneck Yellow Squash yesterday.  Still lots more seed packages in my basket to get in. Looks like our Easter will be playing in the dirt and not much time at the table.



  1. Carla, I too grow Black Krim, Dr. Wyche Yellow,
    and Cherokee Purple. They are all must haves, as is my Chocolate Cherry tomato. Please have a look at my earlier post about the Chocolate and seed saving:

    1. Thanks George, I will take a look at that. You always have great information.

  2. Carla, Yoy plant so many tomatoes. What do you do with all of them?

    1. L. Ambler, I can a lot. Freeze a lot and also make my own tomato juice, which I generally freeze. We eat a lot of tomatoes! Plus I love to see how the different heirloom varieties turn out. There are so many beautiful fruits on these vines.


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