Sunday, March 25, 2012

Adding to the Herb Garden, Planting and Pavers

I spent Friday and Saturday working in the herb garden. I added some new pavers that will help me for stepping in and around the plants when I am cutting herbs for my recipes.  I planted most of the plants I bought at Pearson's Herb Farm, I have a couple more to find places for.

Here are some photos of before and after in my herb garden.  Not that much different, but after I finished adding a few more pavers I think it looks a lot better.  And once the Flax is finished blooming I will add more plants in that area.  I planted the Lovage and Salad Burnet down by the fireplace chimney since they will do better in partial shade in the summer.  This is the west side of the house and temperatures get pretty hot here in July and August.
Garden in 2010
Many varieties of Basil will be planted in May in the bare spots. I always reserve space for those.  I haven't started my seeds yet, and I often directly seed in the place I want it to grow.
Before, see the pointed paver and then see photo below where I added more pavers.
After, you can see in this photo where I added a path in the center area. Path now goes around the back side of the flax.
Chiapas Sage (newly planted)
Pretty Purple Sage Blossoms
Sage in Bloom-existing plant
 Greek Oregano Plant is flourishing here, I started this plant from seed.
Nutmeg Scented Geranium next to Greek Oregano
Catmint: newly planted. This plant is not as invasive as other mints.  In fact, it grows in rather well-behaved clumps.  The leaves are a gray-green, and it produces spikes of long-lasting blooms in a lavender or lavender-blue.  My catmint is one of the first perennials to begin making its appearance in the spring and lasts well into the fall.  Most varieties of catmint are hard in Zones 3-8.
Cilantro from seed started a few weeks ago; cilantro reseeds all over our property.
Front Row: Tarragon and Lemon Mint. Middle Row: Lime Mint and Tarragon. Back Row: Bergamot Mint and Spearmint
Winter Savory-existing plant

Newly planted: Lovage, Salad Burnet, Cat Mint, Chiapas Sage, Italian Oregano, Lemon Balm, Lime Mint in pot, Lemon Mint in pot, French Thyme, Pineapple Sage, Chervil, Rue, and Kaliteri Oregano.
Herbs from Pearson's Garden and Herb Farm

Existing Plants: Sage, Flax, Greek Oregano, Winter Savory, Summer Savory, Mexican Oregano, French Thyme, German Thyme, Lemon Thyme, Variegated Thyme, English Thyme, Cilantro, Chives, Parsley, Lemon Balm, Bee Balm, Tarragon, Bergamot Mint, Spearmint, Rosemary, French Lavender, English Lavender, Rue, Marjoram, and Basil will be planted later.  I also have Lemon Verbena growing in my Butterfly and Hummingbird garden.  As you can see I had a pretty good collection before I planted the new additions. I also have a few duplicates, but you never know when a gopher might show up for a feast!

Herb Woman
Roots and herbs she gathers,
Morning, night and noon,
By the raising dog-star,
Underneath the moon.
In her fragrant kitchen
While the lost world sleeps,
Gentle midnight priestess,
She mixes and steeps.
Shakes the leafy brethren,
Sorts and scrapes with skill,
On her vibrant fingers
Wood and field and hill-
Poppy leaves and wormwood
Peony petals spilt,
Dreamy hop flowers added,
For a headache quilt.
Hands only made for healing,
Nostrils made for smell,
Forehead wide and yearning,
Eyes fixed in a spell.
With the loose prescriptions
Floating through her head,
Such are prayers she mutters
Ere she goes to bed:
By Eleanor C. Koenig


  1. Nice work, Carla. :)

  2. That looks like so much fun! I have rosemary and thyme in my window an they are so great when I'm cooking. My sage did not overwinter well in the greenhouse, but my parsely made it. I love herbs.

    1. BBBB, you have what you need for some creative cooking!

  3. You have quite an impressive herb garden. How do you control the aggressive ones?

    1. Ann, I keep the mint in pots. I did plant the cat mint, and may regret that.

  4. Hi Carla,
    Looks like you had a lot of fun in the garden. We are just getting some decent weather in our area and had a dry weekend, so I spent it all in the garden as well. Happy gardening!

  5. Hi Carla, I adore your herb garden,. The pavers are great for looks and practicality. It is such a pleasure to see your healthy herbs. I think a herb garden is one of the great pleasures in the garden. I love Sage and always plant it again as it suffers in summer from the heat and wet. I use a lot of thyme and grow a few varieties, also rosemary and Tarragon; I grow mainly herbs I use in the kitchen, between the pavers grow dwarf Zinnias and I have not the heart to tear them out so they reseed always. Yes and I love Cilantro, also for its flowers. Lovely to see your endevours and success. Happy herb gardening T♥

    1. Thank you for your visit, Titania. It is always a pleasure to see you.

  6. Really, really, like your new pavers - they add so much charm and make for easy stepping...your new look is so herbally enticing!!!

    What a great poem too...especially like the part where she makes a headache quilt...
    Wonderful images!

    1. Yes, the poem, and how perfect it is for you!

      Thank you so very much for stopping by my garden today.

  7. I love herbs and I use them quite a bit for cooking. You have so many herbs, that's awesome!

    1. I know, it is a long list, but I seem to find a use for all of them.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. Your herb garden is simply wonderful! It is great to know that you use fresh produce from this garden of yours. Nothing beats home grown herbs in home made meals!

    1. Thank you Sergio! I truly enjoy spending time here and using my herbs in my recipes.

  9. Carla your garden has so much texture and interest to it. I would imagine that your herb garden smells wonderful as you walk through it. I enjoyed the poem. I can just imagine a woodland maiden gathering her medicines. Happy Easter.


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla