Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Potatoes, Tomatoes and Onions OH MY! A Gardener's Breakfast

Lots of photos today to keep my garden journal up to date.

My tomatoes have almost doubled in size since my last post.  The summer squash is growing incredibly fast this year; I have already picked three squash.  We had Calabacitas con maiz for dinner last night. YUM, thanks to my friend Sylvia for the recipe!

 Swiss Chard, Ponderosa Tomato, Yellow Crookneck Squash
 Southern Night Tomato in 2 cages, Gold Medal Tomato, Cocozelle Stripe Zucchini
 All Three Beds
Better view of Bed 1 here: 2 San Marzano's, Purple Russian, Paul Robeson black, Persimmon Orange
 Bed 1: San Marzano 2 plants, Ruby Red Swiss Chard along bricks in front.
San Marzano Reaching for the Sky! At 6 feet here.
 Bed 2: Green Zebra, Cherokee Purple, Big White Pink, Gold Medal, German Queen and Anna Russian Pink
Bed 3: Gold Medal, Crimson Carmello, Mortgage Lifter, Black Krim, Big White Pink Stripe, Garlic on this end. This cage is 7 feet tall, you can see the tomatoes are at about 5-6 feet now.
 Volunteer tomato I replanted in bed 4.  I think this is a San Marzano Plum tomato that came up on the front bank. 1 Eggplant and more potatoes, I think these are Yukon Golds.
 Newly planted tomatoes with bunny guards. I also made pots out of this chicken wire and buried to plant the seedlings in, all of our beds are first lined with chicken wire to keep the gophers out., 2 Ponderosa and 1 Cherokee Purple planted here. Still have about 20 more seedlings but I am pretty much out of space to plant. Loquat tree in background that we planted last October.
Miniature corn that Tony planted. We only have 6 plants but this one stalk has 5 cobs on it! At least we will have a few meals with our own organic non GM Corn!!
Another view of the summer squash on the front bank. These are over 3 feet already, if they grow as good as last year they will cover this entire area.
 Onions from last years seed.
More onion on the front bank just behind the summer squash and tomatoes. I also have hidden, two Eggplants that I need to relocate, I thought I would harvest the onions when they were small but they are getting huge here so I will leave them for drying in the fall.  No doubt the squash to the right will cover these but I don't think it will bother them too much but I do need to find the Eggplants before too long and move those.
 Adirondack Blue Potatoes under a Valencia orange tree.
 La Ratte Fingerling Potato under a Grapefruit tree.
 Purple Peruvian Potato under a Tangerine tree.
 Sangre Potato under a Navel orange tree. All of my seed potatoes were purchased from Ronniger PotatoFarm
 Scallop squash and a mystery squash. (see photo below) growing under a Tangerine tree.
My morning harvest.  Rocket Arugula, Easter Egg blend radishes, a mystery summer squash that came up on its own, an Heirloom Scallop squash, Ruby Red and Fordhook Swiss Chard, all from Botanical Interests Seeds (see the link on the side). Cilantro, Dill and Chives did not make the picture.
My Gardener's Breakfast this morning. Easter Egg and Black Spanish Radishes with a farmer's market cucumber (mine are still in the growing stages) Rocket Arugula, toast with Greek yogurt blended with fresh herbs from the herb garden. Your day can't begin any better than this!

My gardens sweet, enclosed with walles strong, embarked with benches to sytt and take my rest. The Knotts so enknotted, it cannot be exprest. With arbours and alys so pleasant and so dulce, the pestylant ayers with flavours to repulse.
Thomas Cavendish, 1532.


  1. OMG for sure. Your garden is just spectacular. We just planted ours, so we are a summer away from any produce. Yours looks so green and lush and healthy. And your breakfast must have just the best way to start the day.

    1. Ann, thank you!

      You will be eating tomatoes when mine are finished and then I will be so envious of your breakfast sandwiches of tomatoes and herbs.

  2. Hi Carla! I love love your banner. Herbs in olive oil are so good and the picture is so perfect with the shadow cast on the table.
    Thank you for stopping by and following me.

    1. Clara, thank you for following my blog too. I so enjoy blogging and will be over to visit soon!

  3. Carla, your garden is a wonderland!

  4. Carla, you garden is beautiful!

    1. Thank you Pamela. I do have fun as you know.

  5. Breakfast did look delicious. I can't wait until I can spend some early mornings outdoors. Still a little too cool here!

    1. Elaine, thanks for stopping by! I love cool mornings. I take a walk around the house with coffee cup in hand and see what the animals have been up to overnight. LOL

  6. Carla, a wonderful, healthy and tasty breakfast. the best you can have. Watch this video and you know why!!

    1. Titania, I have watched this video before. I love eating my homegrown vegetables. You might be interested in using this website, to find out just how much of your nutrients are coming from the foods you eat.

  7. Your garden looks beautiful! I have enjoyed my visit and am your newest follower,

    1. Hi Kathy, thank you for following my blog. I hope you will stop by again soon.

  8. Carla, your garden looks fabulous! It's so far ahead of mine! Although grafting our tomatoes this year put us a bit behind schedule, but I'm sure they'll catch up. After last summer being so cold and dreary, I'm crossing my fingers for lots of tomatoes this season. I love your tomato supports, they look wonderfully sturdy! We grew Cocozelle last year, and I was in awe of how productive those plants were, so much so, we didn't plant quite as many this year! ;) That breakfast looks simply divine...and healthy too!

    1. Clare, I have not tried grafting tomatoes yet since I have great success with the heirlooms rootstock so far. Hopefully this year will prove to be another success story. You are so right about the Cocozelle, one is more than enough. They grow so quickly and take up so much space that I hope I left enough for them this year. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to visit my blog. Hope to see you again soon.


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla