Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tomato Update, Shabby Window Project, and Flowers!

Planted by a Feathered Friend
A feathered friend planted all these Sunflowers for us.  They are taking up some of the space I would have used for vegetables but I love them so much and since they are a gift from one of our hardworking birds, we will leave them.  I am sure they will really enjoy the fruits of their labor when the seed heads start drying.
A few Black Radishes I picked this morning. Most are bolting to seed now so I don't think I will get many more like the large one.  We did have a good winter/spring crop tho and I am grateful for these to add to my sandwich tomorrow.
The tomatoes are growing super fast this year, I have 22 planted and still have some back-up seedlings to find space for.  You never know when a disease will hit and I don't want to be short of tomatoes.  I will include some pictures to keep my blog updated.  We also planted Orange Watermelon Seeds and  Charentais Cantaloupe Seeds, but they are so small I didn't take pictures.  We are also growing two types of Eggplant, a slender white and purple; these are behind the tomatoes along the driveway. I will get pictures of these later and add them.
Bed # 1 has 2 San Marzano, 1 Purple Russian, 1 Paul Robeson Black, and 1 Persimmon Orange.  Swiss Chard along the front row.
Bed # 2 has Green Zebra, Cherokee Purple, Big White Pink Stripe, Gold Medal, German Queen Pink and Anna Russian Pink
Bed # 3 has Gold Medal (replaced Flamme Orange) Crimson Carmello, Mortgage Lifter, Black Krim, and Big White Pink Stripe.
View of all 3 Tomato Beds
Bed along driveway.  This is Swiss Chard and a Ponderosa Tomato.  Onions in the background and an Iris on the left, which I need to relocate in the fall.
 Tony made 4 new Tomato Cages for me. I really like these because I will be able to relocate them on my own.  The larger ones in the raised beds are tough to store and I need help when putting them in the beds.  I hope he makes more of these for me.  They measure about 18 inch square and are 7 feet tall.
New Tomato Cage
A volunteer mystery tomato, probably a San Marzano but will be happy with whatever..  Garlic on the right of tomato. 
2 Southern Night Tomatoes and 1 Gold Medal Tomato
Cocozelle Zucchini
White Scallop Squash growing under Tangerine Tree
White Scallop Squash and 3 Colors of Patty Pan Squash
Onions we're growing from last years seeds.
Tony is growing 6 miniature corn plants. These are in Bed # 4 along with the onions.
Back up tomato plants

 I recovered my chair cushions and made a couple of small pillows to go along with them. I think they turned out nice.  Cheaper than buying new cushions!
Shabby Window Project
 I finally finished two of the windows I bought at an estate sale more than a year ago.  I hung one by the chairs (above) and this one by my purple table.
Violets are blooming
Front Bank with Nasturtiums, Calundula and Iris, among others!
Heartsease self seeded from last year
Sour Grape Penstemon
Penstemon, Scabiosa, small Hollyhock plant
Rose Campion and Violet Pathway

Cherry Parfait Rose on West side of house.
Marmalade Skies Rose on front bank
Tigress Rose on West wall of house.
Shabby Chair Project (the cactus to the left is a Crested Cactus from Tonys' collection. It is in bloom now)
 Now I must get going on my shabby chair project. I have stapled chicken wire to the chair and will line that with coconut fiber and plant succulents in it. I started to paint the chair a soft shade of  purple, but have decided to go with Behr brand (Home Depot) paint called Cilantro Cream.  I think it will look better with the succulents next to that color than with the purple.

"...the love of gardening is a seed that once sown never dies, but always grows and grows to an enduring and ever-increasing source of happiness."

-Gertrude Jekyll


  1. Everything is so beautiful. Thank you sharing such a wonderful pictures.

    1. BBBB, you're welcome and Thank you for visiting!

  2. Tammy, for some reason your comments did not post. Thanks anyway for stopping by!!

  3. Your garden is so productive; of course, you months ahead of us. We haven't even planted our garden yet. Next week. I love the sunflower. I let them grow wild around here too because you never know what it will look like.

    1. Hi Ann,
      yes, we are ahead of you in the season. I will stop by your blog today and see what is going on in yours.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Your garden is wonderful! I hadn't see the wooden tomato cages before. I noticed you have some chicken wire of sorts on the bottom too- maybe I need that to keep out the raccoon!

  5. Hi Carla; a wonderful garden to visit. So many different varieties of tomatoes. It is great to have all these different vegetables, once one has the taste nothing else will do. Lovely cushions for your chairs. I like the decorations and the abundance of your flower garden.

    1. Good morning Titania,
      So nice to see you. I am so happy you enjoyed your visit to my garden today.

      Life is good!


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla