Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We are Picking Orangeglo Watermelon

Orangeglo Watermelon picked August 27, 2012

We picked our first watermelon yesterday and it looks and tastes just as stated on the seed package.  This guy weighed in at 19.4 pounds. We have 7 melons on the vines, not all this big but most are close and may even weigh more once we pick them.  We ate half of it yesterday and this morning, but Tony took the other half to work to share with his co-workers.

These are six inch tiles, I am guessing this melon is about 16 inches across.
I wonder if the marking on a watermelon mean anything.  You know how birds and butterflies have markings to resemble predators?  What do you think this one is trying to show?


  1. Carla, sure is a pretty melon. And lots more in reserve. I am envious. The yellow watermelon would be pretty in some of the funky recipes for hot sauce, salsa and gazpacho.

    1. That's a great idea, George. And I have some jalapeno's on the counter ready for salsa.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Awesome watermelon. They are huge! I lost all of mine but I was hardly home to care for the garden. Were the watermelon sweet? I know they take up a lot of room.

    1. They are super sweet. We only picked 9 but that is plenty for the two of us. I just put one in the frig this morning.

  3. I love the markings on it it is like art. I think it would be delicious. B


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