Saturday, September 1, 2012

An August Midnight by Thomas Hardy

An August Midnight

A shaded lamp and a waving blind, 

And the beat of a clock from a distant floor:

On this scene enter--winged, horned, and spined - 

A longlegs, a moth, and a dumbledore; 

While 'mid my page there idly stands 

A sleepy fly, that rubs its hands . . .

Thus meet we five, in this still place, 

At this point of time, at this point in space.

- My guests parade my new-penned ink, 

Or bang at the lamp-glass, whirl, and sink.

"God's humblest, they!" I muse. Yet why? 

They know Earth-secrets that know not I.

by Thomas Hardy

Farewell Sweet August


  1. is the owl photo yours ? i seen a owl setting on the side of a old country road ,but saddly i didnt have my camea with me . he fly away when i drove closer :( .

    1. Yes, we had 5 owls in our pine tree, but this photo was taken a couple of years ago. We were lucky to get these photos. My neighbor came over and took the pics for me since he had a much better lens on his than I had.

  2. Lovely images to go with such timeless words. Must admit to anticipating Fall weather. With our travels this summer & no garden to speak of have been reading Elizabeth Von Arnim' Elizabeth & Her German Garden to satisfy the senses.

    1. I must check that out. I have not read that one yet.


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