Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Need The Orioles Back!

I wish our Orioles were still here, if they were these hungry worms would not be on my Lacinato Kale plants.  The little guys have pretty much destroyed the 6 plants that I put in last month.  I picked off a couple of the worms a few days ago, but I guess I missed this one because I didn't see it until I went to post this photo.  If you click on the picture it will enlarge enough for you to see the little guy on the center top of the leaf.

I do have more seedlings that are coming in and so far I have not seen any damage to the leaves.  I already picked a batch of the kale that the worms didn't get to, but it was tough to find!  Below are some photos of what is doing well. I should be picking the lettuces in another week.

We will have Greens for the Thanksgiving Table!

This is French Breakfast Radish, also planted Black Radish and Easter Egg Radish

Sugar Peas, also planted Snow Peas

Assorted Lettuces, I planted Sassy Salad and Mesclun along with Bok Choy, Mache, Arugula, Red Sails, Speckles, Oak Leaf, Buttercrunch, Black Seeded Simpson, Green Salad Bowl, Lolla Rossa, Red Oak Leaf and Rouge d'Hiver, Tango, Grand Rapids, Mizuna Mustard, Lolla Rossa, and Black Seeded Simpson.  I am sure there are more that I have missed, but that pretty much sums up what I have now. I plant seeds about every 3-4 weeks.  This allows me to harvest some for baby greens and also to let some grow to full height.  I planted another 3 feet today, but keep in mind that my rows are only 20 inches wide.

Lacinato Kale, what's left of it, you can't see in this photo but just to the right of the plants I have more seedlings coming in.  I guess I will need to break out the Insecticidal Soap.

Ruby Red Swiss Chard, I also seeded some Bright Lights Swiss Chard, both from Botanical Interest Seed Company
Rocket Arugula, I also planted a Wild Arugula that has very narrow leaves. It has a slightly stronger, more pungent flavor which is wonderful with Parmesan Cheese.  I also love to let some of the wild go to seed to harvest the flowers. 
Parisienne Carrots, a short round French Carrot
Yellow Bush Beans
More of Mesclun Sassy Salad Blend
Farmer's Market Blend, this is a mild mix
Not sure what is here, could be the left over seeds that I mixed together.  Looks like there is some Swiss Chard, Arugula and ??  I also put in Beets, but only a few came up.  
My neighbors dog decided to visit the beds shortly after we put down the seeds. The poor thing is old, and blind and wonders about the neighborhood aimlessly weaving in and out of peoples yards.  He is a Golden Retriever with very large paw prints, but I don't have the heart to chase him off, he is so sweet.  Often times I am working in the beds and he will come up behind me, startling me so that I almost fall backwards down the bank. 


  1. I thought about growing some veggies in the greenhouse but after I got all the winter tender plants stored for the season I have no more room.

  2. I hear you Doc, I wish I had room for a greenhouse!

  3. Thank you for the visit to my blog ~ returning the visit. I became a follower. I also checked out your Pinterest pages and low and behold ... I'm already a follower of you there!
    I couldn't imagine having such a growing season as yours. Here in northern Wisconsin we have 4 months of gardening at most, and that's in a good year. Then we're covered in snow.

    1. Hi Mel, thank you for the visit. It is a small world now days. Glad to see that you are also following me on Pinterest. I know very well the 4 months of growing in WI, lucky for you there are so many more beautiful reasons to live there.


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla