Monday, October 28, 2013

Misty Morning Rainy Day

We have a nice light rain falling.  Fall comes late in Southern California, when most of the US are enjoying the changing leaf color, we are just beginning to see them here.  Our Liquid Amber trees are starting to show the reds and yellows on the leaves.  I looked outside early this morning and they are falling with the light rain, covering the PATIO with a soft, golden carpet.  It's a good day for soup!

Joyful Rain

The clouds rejoice, merrily they pour
The waves teem, to meet the shore
Trees sway, with the whistling wind,
Birds dance, they happily sing

Pitter-patter, on the roof,
Clitter-clatter, the horse's hoof
The gush that flows down the drain,
comes clad in her blue gown, Rain

Full of joy, her mood, upbeat
Watching her, it's just a treat
Coming along, with a bouncy gait
Like she had with us a date

In our hearts she rings a bell
Whose story she brings to tell
We are happy, the mood is gay,
All our gloom, lost today

Our worries, with the rain flow
Our lives fill, with a fain glow
O Rain, may you bring Joy always
May your memories enliven our days
Vishnu Sampoorn

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