Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Garden Plot Update 2014

Carnival Carrots in raised bed
Lots of photos today of our garden plot.  We went over the weekend and put in some small cans of beer to lure the rolly polly bugs.  It worked, last night we checked and the cans were filled with bugs.  We used cat food cans, tuna cans would work too.  Just buy some cheap beer and fill about 2/3 full and dig in to the soil to level the can with the soil.  We placed them by the Tatsoi and the Lettuces since that is where the bugs seem to be staying.

Anaheim Chili Pepper
Gourmet Beet Blend and Bull's Blood Beets
Purple Heirloom Bush Bean
Cherokee Purple
Chocolate Stripe
Dr. Wyche
Southern Night
San Marzano

San Marzano (second plant)
German Queen
Cocozelle Striped Zucchini (looking sad should be much larger)
Crookneck Summer Squash
Scallop Summer Squash
Ronde de Nice (a round zucchini)
Japanese Eggplant
Heirloom Purple Eggplant
Farmer's Market Blend Lettuce
Lolla Rosa Lettuce (6 plants) also sprouts of pea pods will climb the pole when I harvest the lettuce.
One of 6 Tatsoi plants, I have more seedling to put in once I cut these.
Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans
Snow Peas
Soyu Cucumbers
Speckles in front and Romaine in back
Yellow Pole Beans and a swiss chard I found growing on the grounds and transplanted here.
Red Leaf and Romaine

I have found violets.
April hath come on,
And the cool winds feel softer.

–Nathaniel Parker Willis (1806–67)


  1. You grow an amazing variety of plants. While they all look so healthy and strong, the lettuces look so good.

  2. Hi Carla. You have a lot going on in the garden. You're blessed to have warm weather and can plant tomatoes and squash at this time of the month! We have peas and lettuce growing outside but no harvest yet, some radish and bok choy popped out. I also planted everbearing strawberries.

    I'm sick at the moment, I got shingles last week and I'm only 34. It's horrible so I've been resting and reducing stress. I'm not working on the garden as much so I can't wait to recover. By the way, I have a new blog URL. Not sure if I told you last week. Update your reading list and side bar to homegrowndelight.blogspot.com. Please stop by when you have a chance. Happy gardening! :)

    1. Priscilla, so good to hear from you. I had shingles once in 2005, so far they have not come back. Painful process. I will update my blogroll to your new URL so I can see what you are up to when you get healed. Thank you so much for updating me. Sending healing thoughts your way.


Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, I love hearing from you, stay as long as you like, Carla