Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Raised Beds and More Garden Updates for 2014

Driveway garden
It has been so long since I updated my blog with photos from our home garden, so this post will be for that.  Our new garden plot is keeping me busy, running back and forth every few days to water.  It was nice to be able to stay home this morning and take a few photos, walk around the yard with coffee cup in hand enjoying all that is blooming and growing. The weather is fantastic today, nice and warm.
This first photo shows the garden we always have along the driveway.  I planted 5 tomatoes here and still have room for more once I pull out the kale and swiss chard. It is just now beginning to bolt so I will harvest what I can and then remove it today.  We have the full moon and I want to plant the rest of the tomatoes this evening before it begins to wane. Remember: don't plant anything on April 20-21. Planting by the Moon


Green Zebra

San Marzano

Cherokee Purple

Black Krim
Lacinato Kale

Giant Mustard

Lacinato Kale, Swiss Chard Onions and more Swiss Ruby Chard

Raised bed in citrus grove with Kale, Swiss Chard, Carrots, Beets, and 4 newly planted tomatoes.  1 of each of Bi-Color Cherry, Brown Cherry, Sun Drop and Green Grape.

This shows our new "L" shaped raised beds.  The left side is planted with Eversweet strawberries, an everbearing plant that is supposed to grow and produce fruit from summer through the fall months.  This is Tony's new project, hopefully the birds will let him have a few. He also planted our strawberry pot with a dozen plants!

The new tomato cages will support 1 of each of Southern Night, Chocolate Stripe, Flame or Hillbilly, Gold Medal, and Goliath. 

Eversweet Strawberries

Loquat fruit
 The loquat grows towards the end of the driveway and is loaded with fruit this year. These should be ready to pick in a couple more weeks; usually in early May.

This is the rose at the end of the driveway.  I bought a seedling of this rose from an old German man about 3-4 years ago. NO kidding this rose was just a foot tall when I planted it and has grown this big in just 4 years.  He couldn't remember the name but told me it was an old variety that he always took cuttings of and grew to sell.  I am so glad that he did!

I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.
Emma Goldman


  1. It does my heart good to know someone, somewhere is out gardening!! All your hard work is really impressive and the roses are stunning! My raised beds were finally visible a few days ago and now covered with new snow and more on the way... 'Nuf said about that.

    1. I can't believe the winter you guys are having. Will it ever end? Come by anytime if you would like to see some green. LOL.

  2. I can’t get over how many tomatoes you plant. The rose looks like ‘Cécile Brünner’. It is a very hardy polyanthus from 1881 that is easy to start from cuttings.

    1. Thanks Doc, I was thinking it may be Cécile Brünner too. It doesn't have a scent though, and I think Cécile does. Whatever the name it is stunning.

      I know, I am a tomato addict. I think it is the names the heirlooms have that keep me buying more and more.

  3. Thank you, CJ, for visiting and commenting on my blog! I'm enjoying reading both of your blogs. You have some great looking raised beds and structures for your tomatos. My husband loves loquats and we had them at our first house many years ago. That is a beautiful and healthy looking rose! Happy spring and happy gardening!

    1. Hi Dorothy, thank you for leaving a comment. I am enjoying your blog too.

  4. Your garden always amazes me. We have baby plant in the living room window, the tomatoes are beginning to look like tomatoes, the squash may soon have blooms. And I love your Pins.


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