Thursday, September 25, 2014

Battenburg Lace, White Crochet and Breakfast with Tasha Tudor

Of course I am not really having breakfast with Tasha Tudor.  I am re-reading a book by Tovah Martin called Tasha Tudor's Garden while enjoying this warm morning under the shade of our Pomegranate tree.   I dressed my small garden table with a white battenburg lace tablecloth, a vintage handkerchief for a napkin and on the chair is a crochet afghan that a dear friend made for me one year for my birthday.

On the menu was a vegetable topped baked potato using some of my vegetables from the garden.

I often eat a baked potato for breakfast. It is chock full of nutrients, like potassium, B6, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, iron and zinc.  It has 45% of our daily requirement of Vit C, is a good source for fiber and even has protein.  Make sure you eat the skin too, it has 20% of the nutrients!

You can find my recipe at A Table for Rue, Please my herbal cooking blog.

I love the way Tovah Martin writes in this book.  She takes you on a beautiful journey of Tasha's garden.  She talks about how Tasha's son built her home using only hand tools!  Can you imagine the love that son has for his mother to take the time to build that way.  The photography for this book is by Richard W. Brown, he did a fantastic job presenting her garden just as we would envision it to be.  There are also a few illustrations of Tasha's artwork.

One thing that I love about my collection of gardening books, is that I will no doubt find some pressed leaves or flowers in them that I found either in my garden or at gardens that I have visited.  I have one book that has many leaves that I collected at my husband's family farm in Lovingston VA.  I am not sure what book they are in but that is okay,  it will be a wonderful surprise when I pull that book out one day and see them; bringing back all sorts of wonderful memories of the day I collected them and spent the day pressing them.

There is a chapter for each month of the year, I decided to read September first since we are just about to end this month.  It still feels like summer here in Southern CA but maybe reading this will bring forth some cooler weather for us.

Another perfect breakfast in the garden.  Thank you for joining me Tasha Tudor and Tovah Martin, and for making my morning so blissful. 

I gaze upon the garden.
My heart grown peaceful.
From its spirit comes my will.
From its color comes my being.
                                                         -unknown poet 


  1. An idyllic start to your day - Tasha would surely loved being there! So miss the gardeners who made such an impact - Tasha and Adelma Grenier Simmons - Jim Crockett of the original Victory Garden.

    1. Funny that you mentioned Jim Crockett, I was just looking through The Victory Garden book yesterday. It is one of my favorite gardening go-to books.


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