Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Staying Cool with Cucumber, Grapefruit, and Mint Water

Our Pink Grapefruit tree is loaded with fruit, lots of Mint ready to pick, and I had just picked two Armenian Cucumbers from the garden.  I made a gallon jar of flavored water to keep me cool today.  It should be a bit cooler, forecast for 94 today.

Old handkerchief belonged to my Grandmother, I use it as a napkin.  Look how lovely the tatting is along the edges;  it also has drawn thread work.  

Stay Cool!


  1. Gorgeous photos Carla! Your flavored water looks so refreshing. Could I send you some of our comfortable days and frosty nights? The sheets go off the tomatoes during the day and back on before evening. But the mints are thriving so I need to mix up my own batch of water....just to enjoy the last days of the season.

    1. TOB, oh how I would enjoy a cool breeze and a frosty night! I know soon enough (I think) we will have cooler days but, oh my, this has been tough to take. My gardens are suffering so in this heat.

      Yes, make the mint water! You can add any kind of fruit to it to make it taste good.

      So good to see you!

  2. Hi Carla, good to hear from you; I know I should come more often to look what's happening in your garden. Lovely the cool drink you have created. Looks so comfortable and beautiful in your garden. Love the Handkerchief. I have bought many embroidered, small hand towels, each a work of art hndmade bey someone clever. I bought them on Etsy in the USA. The lady who sold them was so gracious and gave me a couple for free. I use them as napkins! Yes, you are welcome to use Fabrizia's poem. She is a dear girl, always helpful.
    stay well and happy days.

    1. Thank you Titania for the use of the poem, it is so sweet. I too, need to visit your blog more often. Days seem to fly by!

  3. You're cool drink looks so good. I have not made infused drinks and I should. I have two desires: to taste tree ripened bananas and tree ripened oranges and grapefruit. Last week we had a freeze and this week we are sweltering in 90 degrees. Hard to figure. Don't you love the old needle work that our grandmothers did?

    1. Orange and grapefruit water is so yummy. And I eat a grapefruit just about every day.

      I do love the old handiwork my grandmother did. I think this may even be from a great-grandmother. I have a lot of of handkerchiefs from her and I love to bring them out and look at all the workmanship and also the beautiful designs. I should keep one in my purse, such a feminine way of life!

  4. Your flavored water jar looks beautiful with the grapefruit and cucumber. What a refreshing drink! While your weather is very hot there, it's getting cooler here with autumn coming. Soon it will be freezing at night. It's a great idea to add cucumber and citrus in water. I've done sliced strawberries and lemon before. Perhaps I'll do the cucumber next summer! :-)

    1. Hi Priscilla, oh the strawberries sound like a wonderful addition to flavored water. I have some peaches, strawberries and blueberries in the freezer, today is going to be in the mid 90's. I think I will bring some of the frozen goodies out and make another batch. Thanks for stopping by!


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