Monday, September 15, 2014

Planting Garlic and Another Heat Wave

Since last week, here in San Diego County, we have been experiencing one of the longest heat waves I can remember.  Today the temperature reached 101.  Yesterday I think we made it to 104!

When you get to the bottom of this post I have a 10 day forecast for our area.  Is that really rain I see forecast for the 23rd? There is a chance that Hurricane Odile on the Baja Coast may bring us some rain, we have a 50% chance, but then we have a 50% chance that we won't.  Maybe I will get out tonight and do a rain dance under what is left of the moon and hope for a 51% chance of rain.

Not much else to do with the high heat so I spent the mid-morning under the shade of the front veranda and planted up 32 garlic cloves.  This is garlic that I grew last year and kept the smaller heads to separate into cloves to plant this fall, for next years harvest.  I hope this batch will do better than last years,  I only got a dozen or so that were large enough to use for cooking.

You can see by the sprout that these were ready to be planted.  I lost a few that rotted but I did end up with about 32 cloves.  I will give them about a month to 6 weeks in the pots and then plant them out in the garden.

"Garlic used as it should be used is the soul, the divine essence, of cookery. The cook who can employ it successfully will be found to possess the delicacy of perception, the accuracy of judgment, and the dexterity of hand which go to the formation of a great artist."

Mrs. W. G. Waters in 'The Cook's Decameron,' 1920

10 Day Forecast for Escondido

Mon Sep 15
102°F Observed High 12:05 pm
Tue Sep 16
Wed Sep 17
Thu Sep 18
Fri Sep 19
Sat Sep 20
Sun Sep 21
Mon Sep 22
Chance of rain:
Tue Sep 23
AM Showers
Chance of rain:
Wed Sep 24
Chance of rain:


  1. We hear on the news how bad the drought is. Having suffered through the same , it can be quite depressing. We have never planted garlic and I want to. I don't know if we should plant it in the fall here or not. Let us know how yours does.

    1. It made it to 104 today! My poor flower gardens are suffering. I had a few roses that were in bloom and I should have picked them this morning. They are all wilted now and the buds that were yet to open looked burnt. On the bright side, we should see temps in the mid to high 80's on Friday.

      I will keep my blog updated on the garlic. You should give it a try, nothing like fresh garlic from the garden.

  2. We are supposed to hit 90 today. Killing freeze last week, heat wave this week. And California is burning up in more than one way. Hang in there, Carla.


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