My neighbors recently installed new rain gutters and downspouts.
Closeup of erosion
Our facet on top of the bank after the mudslide
Completely buried my soaker hose
Broke one of my jades and buried the Iris rhizomes
This is the top of one of the areas where the water went. The plants to the left and right of this are covered with mud at the base; I will need to dig these up after it dries out and replant. There is still about 6 inches of mud at the top edge of the adobe wall but I can't get to it until I remove these plants.
This shows some of the mud, but most of it is under the plants on the left. Calendula seedlings were on the top of the bank!
East side of our garage where our trash bins are kept. Trash is picked up on Tuesday morning so only one was in this area. It's difficult to see the depth of the mud here, but one entire row of adobe bricks were covered. This is also after the rain from our garage roof washed mud down the drains and out into the driveway. Our jeep had several inches of mud under it also, from mud coming down from another area.
I barely was able to move this a few feet. This ground has a lot of DG mixed in. I had almost two wheelbarrow's full.
After mud removal. Before I rinsed the concrete. No stains though! Notice the jade plant hanging over the edge. It was standing before the mudslide and is about 4 feet tall.
Had I not gone out to bring the trash cans back to this location I can only imagine how much more mud we would have had. I went up to the top of this bank when it was still raining and dug a small trench about 40 feet long to route the water to the road.
This is a rental unit, but I notified the owner and he has already installed drain pipes so this shouldn't happen again. Normally this area is covered with high weeds, but he has been doing a lot of new landscaping and repairs to the property for the new tenants. I wonder who put the rain gutters in for him? Obviously not someone who thought about where the water would end up! All is good now though and I had a good workout.